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Marketing Musings

Video and personalization are both big marketing trends for 2020; here’s what else was predicted.
Marketing 2020: How Reality Lines Up With Past Predictions

You probably drove yourself to work today, after putting your own dishes in your dishwasher, following a breakfast you cooked yourself. That’s right, those predictions about self-cleaning kitchens and autonomous cars haven’t quite come together just yet. On the other hand, you may have started your day by asking Alexa what the weather is and […]

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Monday Morning Coffee is a weekly celebration of local businesses, enjoyed with a fresh cup of coffee.
Monday Morning Coffee and a Sweet Competition

#TeamSJC has put together a bracket that sweet dreams are made of with a candy bar bracket of 16 sweet favorites. There are so many candy bars to choose from, how can we choose just 16? After extensively researching the most popular candy bars on the market today and some excruciating debate, our team has […]

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Real estate drone photography is best handled by a licensed professional with videography and editing skills.
What Successful Realtors Know About Real Estate Drone Photography

It’s no secret that home sales are heavily dependent on high-quality visual marketing. Buyers are looking extensively online, using images, maps and descriptions to weed out properties that don’t meet their needs. More recently, real estate drone photography is giving even more insight into a property’s features. Using real estate drone photography is the next […]

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A company rebrand is often more complex than anticipated, with layers of changes and decisions to work through.
5 Things to Know Before Your Company Rebrand

Maybe you’ve been thinking about a company rebrand. You’re tired of your logo, your recent acquisition has changed the core focus of your business or you’ve noticed that your color scheme no longer fits who you are as an organization. Before you start a company rebrand here are a few things you need to know: […]

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Monday Morning Coffee is a weekly celebration of local businesses, enjoyed with a fresh cup of coffee.
Monday Morning Coffee and a Glazed…Mug?

Where would coffee be without your favorite mug? It’s one with the perfect sarcastic message, or the mug that fits in your hand just so. It’s one that’s cracked and chipped, but it belonged to your grandma so you gingerly use it every day, hoping you don’t end up with a split lip. When it’s […]

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Creating videos for social media doesn’t require expensive equipment; a smartphone will do great to start.
3 Things You Should Know About Creating Videos for Social Media

If you haven’t jumped in on the video trend on your social platforms, the time is now because this is one trend that is only growing as a key part of marketing growth for companies across industries. Or maybe creating videos for social media is part of your strategy, but you’re not sure if there […]

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Rescue your marketing strategy from the same old formats by creating some great GIFs.
How to Successfully Include GIFs in Your Marketing Strategy

GIFs sum up your feelings in a three-second clip. They help you say, “Happy Birthday,” or “This is crazy,” in one convenient click. You and your siblings have entire conversations using them, fully understanding the coexistence of, “I’d drop everything to do anything for you,” but “If you chew near my ear again, you’re going […]

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Monday Morning Coffee is a weekly celebration of local businesses, enjoyed with a fresh cup of coffee.
Monday Morning Coffee and Reflections on a Super Bowl Win

February 2, 2020. A day that Kansas City Chiefs fans will remember for a lifetime. Now that some time has passed since they took home the Super Bowl title, we thought it would be fun to hear from some of the die-hard fans of Team SJC on how it felt to watch their beloved Chiefs […]

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Email marketing comes with easily-accessible analytics that allow you to refine your strategy.
38% of Consumers Moved to Action by Email Marketing

Remember 40 years ago when email was just becoming a thing? Maybe you can recall sending your first attachment, or when people were obsessed with email chain letters. The channel has definitely matured into a better place, but it hasn’t lost its glossy sheen. Email marketing remains one of the most reliable ways to engage […]

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SEO best practices include smart keyword research and aligning your content with search engine algorithms.
Best SEO Practices Are Integrated With Content Strategies

Most companies are pursuing search engine optimization (SEO) at some level, and budgets for content marketing are increasing, but the smartest companies integrate SEO and content marketing as a part of a set of SEO best practices designed to encourage growth. Content and SEO strategies often fail to capture the potential momentum that can occur […]

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