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Marketing Musings

From Stranger Things to SJC Things, SJC Marketing draws marketing strategy inspiration from the hit show.
Strange Things Could Happen if You Look at Your Marketing Strategy in a New Way

If you’ve been glued to Stranger Things, it may be for reasons other than just a compelling, creepy story. You can’t stop wondering how anyone could make Winona Ryder look so unkempt and unhinged. Or maybe you’re fascinated with remembering how satisfying it used to feel to slam down a wall-mounted phone. What if the […]

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Monday Morning Coffee is a weekly celebration of local businesses, enjoyed with a fresh cup of coffee.
A Bit of Nostalgia to Sweeten Your Monday Morning Coffee

The big talk around our office lately is the latest season of the hit show Stranger Things. Don’t worry we won’t let out any secrets if you haven’t watched all the newest episodes yet! If you don’t know much about the show, it is created with a focus on 1980s nostalgia and includes a supernatural […]

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Investment in content marketing is on the rise, with companies betting on high-quality writing, video and editing.
3 Trends to Include in Your Content Marketing Strategy

Come on, be honest. When is the last time you reviewed your content marketing strategy? If you already have a content marketing strategy, you’re probably operating on auto pilot, churning out content according to your schedule, but rarely stopping to consider whether you’re getting the results you anticipated, and whether there are any new trends […]

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From Stranger Things to SJC Things, SJC Marketing draws marketing strategy inspiration from the hit show.
SJC Things With a Little Marketing From the ’80s

Picture the SJC Marketing logo in classic Stephen King-style font. Give all the marketing specialists big hair and surround them with wood-paneled walls. Place a marketing strategy in front of each one with one, and only one action item: television advertising. If you’ve been watching Stranger Things the last couple of years, you know the […]

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Monday Morning Coffee is a weekly celebration of local businesses, enjoyed with a fresh cup of coffee.
Monday Morning Coffee and a Name Change

No, we aren’t changing our business name from SJC Marketing. Gotcha! But our newest team member, Executive Assistant, Hannah Van Cleave, recently changed her last name because she got married! So the now, Hannah Johnson, has been with our team since mid-May and she’s been a great addition to the team. Hannah graduated from Missouri […]

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Taking the right steps in video marketing can put positive attention on your brand.
Proving Your Value One Video at a Time

Video marketing comes in many forms, from testimonials to tutorials, interviews to ads. The use of video has shown to vastly improve traffic and lead generation, which is why video marketing is no longer just a piece of your overall marketing plan – it’s become a focal point of it for many organizations. According to […]

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Social media marketing professionals rely on consistent meme content for better engagement.
Why Use Memes in Your Social Media Marketing?

In Richard Dawkins’ 1976 book, The Selfish Gene, he coined a term for how cultural information spreads – “meme.” And while memes today have taken on a new form, it has become a tool for delivering a message. For social media marketing professionals, memes are a go-to mechanism for conveying information in a concise, quick […]

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Monday Morning Coffee is a weekly celebration of local businesses, enjoyed with a fresh cup of coffee.
Enjoy Your Monday Morning Coffee and Let’s Talk About How Great You Are

Are you one of those people that freezes up when people give you a compliment? Maybe you find it necessary to share how little you paid for the skirt someone just admired. Instead of simply saying, “thank you,” you might start mumbling about your leave-in conditioner when someone says your hair looks nice. It’s so […]

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Be part of the conversation and see your social media engagement improve.
Social Media Engagement Tactics That Trigger Your Audience to React

Of all the metrics you pour over, social media engagement has to rank among the top in terms of importance, because engagement leads to sales. If you have your engagement strategy down, it means you’re developing a relationship and establishing a loyal audience. Improving social media engagement levels relies heavily on your content, but you […]

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A big part of successful content marketing is knowing what your customers want and how to measure it.
4 Common Content Marketing Mistakes

You’re cultivating a vibrant social media presence. You’ve got a healthy following on your email newsletter, and you’ve been pleased with the number of shares your blog is getting. You’re doing well in meeting some of your content marketing goals, but you may wonder if there are still ways you could step it up and […]

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