Marketing Musings
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The last time you updated your web design, it was probably on a list of priorities or objectives for the year. You set a budget, completed the project and checked off that to-do item with a flourish. But things have changed. In the time since you’ve done an update, web design has become inextricable from […]

Your headshot for your business is not about vanity – it’s about putting an image to an idea so your target audience gets a better grasp on who you are as a brand. Business professional headshots say 1,000 words about your company. Everyone has a camera in their pocket these days, but that doesn’t make […]
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Your landing page is a great transition point between a social media post or advertisement and a purchase. However, if visitors are landing on your page and quickly clicking away, your landing page design needs to be refreshed. You Forgot Your Marie Kondo. Your landing page design might be too cluttered. Whether it’s too many […]

Is your color scheme lacking pizzazz, your fonts looking tired and your animation falling short? It’s time to update your graphic design to stand out, and there are a few trends perfect for stirring new life into your visuals. Here are a few trends coming for 2020 to look at: Muted Colors: Rather than featuring […]

Whether you’re embarking on a new business venture, or you’re giving an existing company a new look, thinking about a new logo design is an exciting part of the process. Like Maverick is known by his aviator sunglasses, or Cindy Crawford her classic beauty mark, you know that with the right logo design, you can […]

Consumers are visually driven. For example, it’s been proven over and over in how they react to visuals in social media posts – they’re far more likely to like and/or share content that is accompanied by photographs and videos. That is one of the reasons it is important to have quality photos of your employees […]

You’ve decided to invest some of your marketing funds in paid social media advertising. How can you be sure that your ads will deliver a positive return on investment (ROI)? The answer is design, and the good news is that you can control many of the elements that determine just how good your ROI is […]

Your brand design is more than your logo or your name; it’s the total package that includes your color palette, personality and overall feel to your brand. It’s what makes members of your target audience immediately recognize content that’s been posted by you. (If you want to know more about taking your brand to a […]
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The quality of your landing page says a lot about how much engagement you’re going to get from consumers. The goal for your landing page will focus on visitors coming to your site and how you can lead them to take a series of actions that lead to a conversion. Your landing page serves as […]
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Do you hear a faint fizzing sound when you see the Coca-Cola logo? Perhaps you crave coffee when you see the Starbucks mermaid. Maybe you get an urge to go for a run when you see that Nike swoosh. Or maybe not. How did these giants of logo design land on such a powerful image […]