Marketing Musings
What We Write

While your holiday schedule is quickly filling up, be sure you make room this weekend for a musical experience that is for every BUDDY! Treat yourself to a performance of Robidoux Resident Theatre’s Elf: The Musical at the Historic Missouri Theatre from Friday, December 6, through Sunday, December 8. Who doesn’t love this classic movie? […]
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Whether you’re embarking on a new business venture, or you’re giving an existing company a new look, thinking about a new logo design is an exciting part of the process. Like Maverick is known by his aviator sunglasses, or Cindy Crawford her classic beauty mark, you know that with the right logo design, you can […]

You know you need a marketing strategy, but you may not be sure which elements are really necessary and which are just prolonging the process. What’s essential for an effective strategy? Marketing strategies certainly can have an open-ended feel to them. After all, you can always do more, but you also have other things to […]
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As you prepare for Thanksgiving, you’ve probably hit on all the obvious gratitude subjects: family, friends and hopefully good health and a few extra perks. You may have even been pre-grateful for your upcoming turkey and pie. Now that all those great things are covered, it’s time to stop and ponder a few things in […]
Read More… from Pumpkin-Spiced Monday Morning Coffee, and All the Other Things We’re Grateful For

Interested to see how your B2B content marketing efforts compare to other companies? The Content Marketing Institute’s 2020 B2B Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends report sponsored by Sitecore offers insights into how top-performing marketing companies perform, and how the rest of the respondents stack up. It may not surprise you to hear that companies are quick […]
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A marketing strategy written 10 years ago would probably give you a bit of a laugh if you read it today. Launched before social media was fully embraced as a marketing channel, and probably peppered with some outdated ideas, it wouldn’t serve your company well today. Clearly, you want to update your marketing strategy more […]
Read More… from How Often Should You Revise and Refine Your Marketing Strategy?

When your Girl Scouts troop wants a uniform look, but without the uniform; when your daughter wants a memorable birthday party with nine of her closest friends; when you want a shirt to cheer on your kids’ team, but you want something a little more special, it’s time to visit Shirtabulous. Melanie Houser and Jaime […]

You know a guy. He’s somehow related to a business partner, and you’ve heard he builds websites on the side. You’ve noticed that your business partner’s site looks pretty good, and your startup budget is tight. You think, why not? We’ll tell you several reasons why not, and they all have to do with pitfalls […]
Read More… from Don’t Fall Victim to Poor B2B Website Design

You’re sitting down to play a game of Battleship with your precocious nine-year-old niece. You know it’s going to be brutal on her if you win (and besides, your ego can’t really take it if you lose while actually trying), so you shove all of your boats in one corner and then refuse to see […]
Read More… from How to Not Succeed With Your Marketing Strategy

Since the inception of SJC Marketing in 2005, strategy has been the cornerstone of our values. We firmly believe that deploying a strategy and measuring results is the key to getting the best return on investment (ROI) from your marketing efforts. As we approach the year 2020 (yeah, it doesn’t feel real to us either…), […]
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