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Marketing Musings

Your marketing strategy shouldn’t just be a one-and-done project; it requires frequent revisions.
Is Your Marketing Strategy Out-Of-Date?

It’s been about 18 months since we all got sick of the phrase “the new normal.” It’s right up there with “social distancing” in the list of phrases we never expected to use, nor hate, so much. But the reality is that your marketing strategy is probably looking a bit different than it did a […]

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If your marketing strategy includes goals for national sales, it’s best to start with regional growth.
3 Reasons a Local Focus is Good for Your Marketing Strategy

Dream big. Go big or go home. Bigger is better. And everyone knows that bigger is the American way. Big houses, big cars, big paychecks. It’s what we want. But what if, in the 21st century, bigger isn’t always better? What if starting small, local and close-to-home is infinitely better? And how does that affect […]

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Enjoy some Monday morning coffee with some local farmers and a peek into the agriculture industry.
Add Flavor to Your Monday Morning Coffee With Playoff Baseball and Marketing

The MLB Playoffs are in full swing, something this SJC team member believes to be the best time of the year. Whether you like baseball or not, you can’t deny the staple baseball has been in American culture for well over 100 years. Marketing is similar to baseball in this regard, being a staple of […]

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You could hire a marketing specialist, but outsourcing to a marketing agency gets you more for your investment.
What a Marketing Agency Already Knows About Your Business

As a business owner, you’ve been known to spin a few plates: payroll, sales, customer service and more. As you grow, you’re always weighing which tasks can be passed off to an inside employee and which ones are best handled by outsourcing. Marketing is one of those areas, and many business owners simply hire an […]

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SJC Marketing shares one of their favorite places to grab a delicious drink on date night.
Enjoy Your Monday Morning Coffee While We Talk About Your Social Media Strategy for 2022

Since the inception of SJC Marketing in 2005, strategy has been a cornerstone of our company values. We firmly believe that deploying an effective strategy and measuring results is key to receiving the best ROI from your marketing efforts.   As we approach the year 2022, we start to look back on what we’ve learned […]

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Outsourcing to a marketing agency helps you capture more opportunities and stay on-trend.
5 Telltale Signs You Need to Hire a Marketing Agency

Many small businesses don’t have the budget to hire an in-house marketing team. But does that mean you should give up on marketing altogether? Of course not. Maybe you’ve been thinking about outsourcing to a marketing agency, but how do you know when it’s time? Here are five unmistakable signs that you need outside help: […]

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Videos for business marketing can help you reach more people for less investment than other formats.
4 Reasons to Use Videos for Business Marketing

Visual marketing has exploded in recent years, with businesses embracing the realization that audiences like to engage with brands in a variety of formats. Using videos for business marketing can help you make better connections with potential customers. Here are four reasons why that’s true: It Builds Trust: You can fake an image. You can […]

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SJC Marketing shares one of their favorite places to grab a delicious drink on date night.
Let’s Talk About Gardening While We Enjoy Our Monday Morning Coffee

Marketing is a lot like gardening. That may sound kind of crazy, but stick with us for a bit. Marketing doesn’t just happen overnight. You don’t create a Facebook page on a Tuesday night and wake up Wednesday morning with 1,000 page likes. Just like you don’t plant a seed and wake up the next […]

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Content marketing improves your SEO, your engagement on social media and your reputation as an expert.
Why Content Marketing Is the Foundation For a Solid Marketing Strategy

It’s no secret: content marketing can be challenging. It takes a lot of time to build up a following, create a library of content and master the art of engagement on different platforms. And yet, there are so many reasons why you should keep it at the center of your strategy: It Builds a Following […]

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Is it time for your marketing plan to get some new tools and techniques?
It’s Back-to-School for Your Marketing Plan

It’s that time of year when a suspicious liquid leaking out of your kid’s old lunchbox has you pitching it in the trash and placing an online order. Or when your kids’ pants from last year are suddenly hitting mid-calf. Sometimes things just need replacing or updating. And sometimes your marketing plan needs the same […]

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