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What a Marketing Agency Already Knows About Your Business

You could hire a marketing specialist, but outsourcing to a marketing agency gets you more for your investment.

As a business owner, you’ve been known to spin a few plates: payroll, sales, customer service and more. As you grow, you’re always weighing which tasks can be passed off to an inside employee and which ones are best handled by outsourcing. Marketing is one of those areas, and many business owners simply hire an employee with some marketing background. But there are a couple of good reasons why you may want to consider outsourcing to a marketing agency instead:

Nobody is an Expert at Everything. Maybe you have an initial need for some social media posts, so you hire a candidate that seems to have some expertise in social media marketing. But are they also an expert in search engine optimization (SEO)? How about website design? Branding?

One of the clear advantages of outsourcing to a marketing agency is that you get access to an entire team, often with a smaller investment than you would pay to hire a marketing specialist.

You Get Combined Years of Experience. You may be wondering, “But how could a marketing agency possibly know enough about my business?” You might be surprised. Even a small marketing team may have multiple decades of combined experience, even over a century, and they use that experience with companies like yours to develop a short learning curve. That means you enjoy a strategic approach that delivers fast results.

At SJC Marketing, you will see the value of investing in a marketing agency for reasons like:

  • We love learning about your company and finding new ways to help you shine. We look for what makes you special and find creative ideas for showcasing that brand story.
  • We specialize in strategy. That means there’s a clear set of objectives, with solid data behind them and metrics to determine if we are successful.

And there are a lot of areas in which we can claim expertise. Here are just a few:

Website Design: We start by getting a clear understanding of what you want out of your digital presence. Then we design a website that works hard for your brand, converting visitors to leads and then customers.

Content Creation: Your content can’t be mass-produced. It needs to add value for your audience, building your reputation as a trusted expert in your industry. SJC Marketing began as a copywriting business, so quality writing is our foundation.

Graphic Design: Your logo should say everything about your brand in a glance, but graphic design offers so much more to help your brand stand out.

Social Media Strategy: Many companies take a casual approach to social media, but a strategic approach helps you drive traffic to your website, build a community and reach a broader audience.

Check out a more comprehensive list of our services, then let’s get together and talk about where your business is headed.


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