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Marketing Musings

Gain more leads and sales momentum through Facebook Ads.
Are You Using Facebook Ads for Lead Generation?

If your contact list is strong, your sales numbers are probably showing it. But if you’re like most organizations that have a goal of increasing your profitability, Facebook Ads can be a valuable tool to utilize to give your engagement a boost. The investment you make in Facebook Ads could turn into a long-lasting profit […]

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Capturing More Clicks on LinkedIn for Businesses More than any other platform,
Why Focus on LinkedIn Marketing?

LinkedIn has been targeted as a lead-generating machine by companies focusing on both B2B and B2C marketing campaigns. LinkedIn marketing efforts continue to grow, particularly in the B2B world as nearly 90% of digital marketing specialists in this space say they use LinkedIn in their outreach strategy. If you haven’t used this channel for your […]

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Use your Instagram Live sessions as a means of educating your target audience.
Creating Engaging Content With Instagram Live

Whether you’ve plateaued in your social media outreach, started to see a drop in engagement or are just looking for a new way to reach your audience, Instagram Live deserves your attention in addressing all of the above. Not only is this feature a great way to bump up your engagement, it’s a means for […]

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Content marketing requires intentional planning. Plan smart with an expert in your corner.
Content Marketing and the Shifting Needs of Your Target Audience

Have you grown weary of the word “evolve” yet? It gets thrown around a lot these days, but for good reason: anyone willing to maintain status quo in this turbulent time is going to come off as an out-of-touch organization. This is definitely the case where digital content marketing is concerned. Truth be told, your […]

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Focused content that speaks to individuals shows your social media audience that you care.
Improving Engagement in Your Social Media Marketing

Connecting with your audience on social media isn’t exactly easy these days. It’s not just your organization trying to reach them, they’re also wading through social media marketing efforts of many, many others. Becoming a beacon in the fog is the goal of most marketers these days, and by following a few guidelines, you can […]

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When it comes to social media marketing, your target audience determines the platform you invest in most heavily.
Generational Differences Informing Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing provides an opportunity to connect with your target audience, but it’s important to have an understanding of the platforms. Even more importantly, you need an understanding of where your target audience likes to spend their time. Your content can only be viewed by those most likely to convert if it’s appearing on […]

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Social media marketing success can’t be measured simply by looking at vanity metrics.
What Metrics in Social Media Marketing Really Matter?

While your company probably knows you should be engaging in social media marketing, you may struggle to identify goals and then determine how, or if, social media is contributing to any success. Do likes or other vanity metrics have any value, or should marketers be focused on another measure of impact? It’s important for you […]

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Engage with your customers through social media marketing for small businesses with conversational posts and content that meets their needs.
5 Reasons Social Media Marketing For Small Businesses Is Key

It doesn’t matter what size your business is; you are always faced with a challenge of tailoring your marketing spending to your budget. For small businesses, the best impact for your dollars may come from social media marketing. Here are five reasons why social media marketing for small businesses is a good fit: Your Audience […]

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LinkedIn for businesses will soon add Stories, inviting companies to share a more casual view of operations.
Stories Coming to LinkedIn for Businesses

As social media began to dominate digital marketing, B2B languished a bit until LinkedIn for businesses filled the void. Now, in another sweeping rescue, they’re customizing a common social media format to tailor it to business use. Stories will soon be a part of LinkedIn. What should you expect from Stories? Well, the feature is […]

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Your Facebook ads campaign may be struggling because your value proposition isn’t clear.
3 Reasons Why You Might Not Be Seeing a Good ROI on Your Facebook Ads Campaign

Compared to running a direct mail campaign or launching an enewsletter, a Facebook ads campaign can seem too good to be true. You just load an image, come up with some punchy copy and select your audience. It’s so easy, right? Well…not so fast. Facebook marketing has some great features that make it user-friendly, but […]

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