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5 Common Marketing Myths That Could Be Holding You Back

One of the most common marketing myths is that you need to protect industry secrets.

Don’t believe everything you hear about how to grow your brand. Marketing myths abound, misleading small companies trying to gain a bit of edge over their competition. Maybe you don’t have a dedicated marketing specialist to root out wrong information, don’t worry we can help.

This list will help you to get started in dispelling some of those myths:

Negative Social Media Posts Aren’t Worth Your Bother: You’ve heard that any feedback is a gift, and no gift should be left without a “thank you.” If someone posts a negative comment or review, ignoring it sends a strong message that you’re indifferent or unaware of your customers’ opinions. Thank the person who posted it for the feedback, and do what you can to make things right.

Email is no Longer Effective: Look, email may be aging, but its effectiveness hasn’t suffered over time. You may need to update your email strategy, but email is an effective way to augment your other marketing channels. Use it to deliver targeted content to your audiences.

Content Might Give Away Secrets: This is one of the most common marketing myths, and it’s understandable that you may wonder why your customers would pay for expertise if you’re handing it out for free. But you should think of content as a way to add value, and demonstrating your knowledge builds your reputation for expertise in your field.

Your audience members are likely to think of you first when it’s time to buy if they already know they can trust you to share information that’s helpful to them.

Social Media Strategy is Separate From Content Marketing: Think of social media as your vehicle for getting content to your audiences, and that requires a comprehensive strategy.

Social Media is Just For Raising Brand Awareness: Social media metrics may be used for measuring awareness, but there’s a lot more that you can do with it to boost your marketing efforts. Start with determining what your goals are for your overall marketing strategy and then figure out how social media can support it. For instance, if you would like to gain new customers, you can use a landing page to determine how many new customers arrived at your site via social media.

Marketing myths abound, but you don’t need them to limit your strategy. Our team at SJC Marketing can help you handle those negative comments, create an effective email marketing strategy or find creative ways to share all those industry secrets.

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