Have your Facebook advertising campaigns plateaued? It is time to take a different approach. Facebook ads generate billions of dollars for the social media platform, but if you want to see a better return on your investment, you need to take a closer look at what’s working, how much you’re spending and how you target specific audiences.
To Spend or Not to Spend
You want to capitalize on ads that are performing well. You can do this by bumping up your ad spend by 10 to 20% every four to seven days. If you scheduled an ad to run for a few days and are pleased with the conversion rate, go into your settings and increase the ad spend and run it for another few days. If the ad continues to perform well, you should consider continuing the process.
It’s a quick way to generate more leads in a short amount of time, but it doesn’t always work, which is why you need to monitor the process. Because increasing your daily ad spend comes with a certain amount of risk, you can mitigate the issue by using Facebook’s automated rules when performance levels drop off. Simply go to Ads Manager and adjust your ad spend or turn off the ad set.
Watch the Demographics
By watching which demographic responds best to your Facebook ads, you can make better use of your advertising budget. Go to Ads Manager and click on the Breakdown button. You can see the breakdown by action, dynamic creative asset, time and delivery. Delivery is where you’ll see more about your customers.
You can see the results for different age groups and gender. For example, if you see that females aged 25 to 54 are the most responsive, you can tweak your content to speak to them directly. Furthermore, you can adjust your overall ad spend to campaigns that really hit home with this target audience.
Video is widely consumed on Facebook and should be a consideration in your content. Fortunately, Facebook gives you a tool that makes it easier to create more successful video-based campaigns.
You can create custom audiences and target users based on what they do on Facebook, which can reduce the cost per acquisition. Go to the Create a Custom Audience toggle and choose a content type in the Engagement field based on how long users watch your videos, which would be for as little as three seconds to those who watch up to 95% of your video. This makes reaching your audience much more affordable.
At SJC Marketing, our team is dedicated to assisting clients with creating more successful Facebook ads. We can work with you to maximize your ad spend. Contact us and let’s discuss your next campaign.