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Social Media Management

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Should you post, snap, pin … Facebook, X, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn …? And what about jumping in on the latest TikTok trend, or those filters that you can use to make yourself old? Do you need all of that to successfully run your business? 

The short answer is probably not. Believe it or not, you can still run a successful business even if you don’t utilize Instagram Stories, or if you’ve never even launched a web browser. Yes, there are still businesses that are not connected. But you also know that in order to reach a broader audience, demonstrate your relevance and expand your reach, you need to be in the social conversation.

But which platform is going to produce results for you? And do you have to pay for space, or can you make an impact using only free tools? The infuriating answer to these questions is, “it all depends.” 

Each platform brings something unique to the table, and all have different purposes and audiences. SJC Marketing has specialists who can make your performance measurable across all possible platforms. We develop step-by-step social media marketing for small businesses strategies that effectively return value to your brand and turn followers into clients. If you’re not sure how to navigate the myriad of options available, we’ll help you wade through the mess to drive the necessary results.

Oh, and those weird questions up there? Yes, we’ve heard those and many others. Some people don’t like social media and that’s OK — there were plenty of people in the 1990s who thought that the best email marketing practices were a terrible technological invasion. We’re into embracing innovation and making it work to our advantage — give us a shout and we can do the same for you.

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