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Capturing More Clicks on LinkedIn for Businesses

Capturing More Clicks on LinkedIn for Businesses More than any other platform,

More than any other platform, LinkedIn for businesses is the ideal setting for sharing your expertise in your industry. But while people are primarily there for professional reasons, that doesn’t mean leads are going to drop in your lap. You need a strategy that encourages clicks and engagement so that your posts are prioritized by the platform and you gain more interest in your brand.

Stop Searching for Viral: Develop posts that speak to a narrow target audience, rather than trying to produce a post that will appeal to big numbers or spiral into a viral post. Viral posts are lightning in a bottle, and you’ll waste a lot of time and effort trying to reach a broad audience, most of which are not your target market.

Do Your Research: You’re an expert in your field, but it’s easy to overlook the areas that are confusing to your audience or where they could most use your insights. Spending time on sites like Quora and Reddit can help you gauge the topics that are stirring interest in your field. Commenting and answering questions on these sites can help you develop an interesting post.

Go Long: Human nature can’t seem to ignore a button that says “See More.” Try writing longer posts that are up to 170 words. You can’t quite develop a complex idea, but you can certainly share some important ideas or a short how-to in that space, and it will trigger the button that LinkedIn for businesses uses to get users to read more of the post.

Use this same thinking when it comes to images that you post. If you include six or more, you’ll trigger that “See More” button.

Post On-site: Rather than posting a link to a video on YouTube, post the video directly on LinkedIn. Take this strategy to other content as well, making sure to encourage engagement on the site. This approach helps you make the most of LinkedIn’s algorithms, which favor users and posts that are spurring activity on the site.

LinkedIn for businesses is a great place to network with your target market, but prioritizing time for it can be a trick when you’re running a company. At SJC Marketing, we offer everything from assistance with a specific social media platform to comprehensive management.

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