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B2B Marketing on the Emotional Level

Hitting B2B buyers on an emotional level can improve B2B marketing efforts.

B2B buyers operate in a different mindset when it comes to purchasing. They take a logical approach and rarely, if ever, make a buy on a whim. However, just because B2B buyers are using logic to a great extent, they’re not devoid of emotion. In fact, a study by Google titled “From Promotion to Emotion: Connecting B2B Customers to Brands” found that B2B marketers are becoming more customer-centric due to the fact that they find making an emotional connection with B2B buyers yields better results.

According to the study, of the hundreds of B2C brands researched, “most have emotional connections with between 10% and 40% of consumers. Meanwhile, of the nine B2B brands we studied, seven surpassed the 50% mark.”

Cutting Through the Complexities

The study notes that making the emotional connection in B2C marketing has long been a go-to tactic, but the process for the B2B space is much more complex.

B2B buyers are under much more pressure to realize a handsome return on investment, which means they’re using decisions that have logical conclusions and every purchase must add value to their organization as a whole.

While B2C buyers work to get the best buy for their money, they’re often satisfying their materialistic urges. If they make a poor decision, they can just chalk it up as a learning opportunity and be smarter next time. B2B buyers don’t have this mindset, and making too many poor decisions can cost them their job.

Making the Connection

To see more success in your B2B marketing outreach, you have to create excitement and anticipation. You have to drum up these emotions on a professional and personal level. For example, if you can convey how your product or services can offer personal value to the B2B buyer, they’re almost 50% more likely to make a purchase.

If your B2B marketing outreach focuses on impressing the fact that making a purchase will offer career advancement, that buyer is almost eight times more likely to “pay a premium for comparable products and services,” according to the study.

Try focusing on a message that builds trust, offers transparency, conveys a sense of teamwork and offers plenty of credibility. At SJC Marketing, we’re assisting clients in many industries to improve their B2B marketing efforts. Contact us and let’s discuss our approach.

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