Lead Forensics

5 Reasons Your New Website Needs Content Marketing

Your website is ready, but what’s it ready for? The answer is content marketing.

You’ve recently completed the redesign of your website. Featuring beautiful graphics and a look that is instantly recognizable as your own, the website is perfectly positioned to tell your brand story. The next step is to get moving on your content marketing.

That’s right, it’s not time to celebrate just yet.

Okay, go ahead and do a few high fives, because building a new site takes a lot of time and resources, and it’s good to take a moment to enjoy what your efforts have produced.

But once that moment has passed, it’s time to buckle down and get started on your content marketing strategy. Right now, your website is like a store that opened, but forgot to place a sign outside. Your doors are unlocked, but there’s black paper over every window, keeping potential customers from knowing you’re there or what you do.

That’s where content marketing comes in. Here are five reasons why you need to keep momentum going:

  1. Content Marketing Directs Traffic to Your Site: Creating content within a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy helps you utilize the right keywords, produce content that’s relevant to your audience and mix up the formats with video and social media posts. It’s all in an effort to help your site show up on organic search rankings. Google, YouTube and other search engines use complex algorithms to determine how different sites are ranked, but one thing is consistent: new, variable, frequent content helps your site be found online.
  2. Content Marketing Is More Effective Than Advertising: Sure, you could invest in a radio ad or a television commercial, but consumers are weary of traditional advertising. Content marketing is particularly effective at blurring the line between providing value and advertising. Your audience will know that you’re selling something, but it won’t be because you told them. You’ll be providing value through helpful information, so you’re increasing their trust in your brand. If your goal is to help your audience, it will do much more for your brand than an outright advertisement.
  3. Content Marketing Increases Your Credibility: As you build a library of videos, infographics and blogs, your audience will begin to notice the depth of your insight and knowledge related to your industry. You’ll build your credibility so that, when they have a question about something related to your product or service, they’ll think of you first.
  4. Content Marketing Helps You Nurture Leads: Every company has some kind of identifiable buy cycle. At each stage of that buy cycle, a different type of content can help move the potential customer on to the next step. Perhaps that’s a benefits guide once they get to decision time, but at the initial stages you’re simply building trust with valuable information. And did you know small businesses that publish a blog enjoy 126% more lead generation than small businesses without a blog. Once the purchase is complete, you can continue the relationship with product tips or little-known uses of your service.

  1. Content Marketing Gives You a Platform and an Audience: Most of the time, you’re building credibility and adding value with your content. Once in a while, it’s all about you. You’ve got a new product, you’re opening a new location or you’ve discovered a great new way to use a feature, and because you’ve been actively engaged in content marketing, you have a platform to share it and an audience that wants to hear you.

Still Not Convinced? Here are two more stats that might change your mind:

  • Compared to paid search, content marketing yields three times the number of leads per dollar invested.
  • Companies that publish 16 content pieces per month receive 3.5 times more traffic on their websites compared with companies that publish between four and six articles.

In other words, you’ve just invested all this money into your new site, and content marketing is how you connect potential buyers with your site. It’s the fuel for your website. Consider these three simple ways to get started:

  1. Develop a Content Strategy: Determine measurable goals, target audience segments and topics that add value. Create a content calendar and discuss which channels are most effective for reaching your audience.
  2. Focus on Social Media: Determine who will do your posts, and make sure that the posts help you meet your content marketing goals and are consistent with your branding. This means that from the content posted to the voice you use when writing the accompanying post and comments, it’s all consistent and working towards your goals.
  3. Create a Community With an Email Newsletter: Create an opt-in on your website that gives special access to valuable content if they subscribe. Keep it simple, and make sure your newsletter adds value.

You’ve created a new website and you’re likely feeling pretty exhausted. It’s a big process, but it’s important to keep the momentum going. One easy way to handle it is to contact us at SJC Marketing, where we only get more energized after a big website launch. We’ve already got some ideas for how to direct traffic to your site with a smart content marketing strategy.

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