Marketing Musings
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The quality of your landing page says a lot about how much engagement you’re going to get from consumers. The goal for your landing page will focus on visitors coming to your site and how you can lead them to take a series of actions that lead to a conversion. Your landing page serves as […]
Read More… from Your Landing Page Design Can Help Turn Visitors Into Leads

Do you hear a faint fizzing sound when you see the Coca-Cola logo? Perhaps you crave coffee when you see the Starbucks mermaid. Maybe you get an urge to go for a run when you see that Nike swoosh. Or maybe not. How did these giants of logo design land on such a powerful image […]

You could talk about your brand, telling consumers about your values, your voice and even describe your color scheme (it’s cucumber salad green, not iced cucumber green). You might go hoarse trying to describe your personality and which Game of Thrones character your brand is most like. It sounds ridiculous, but it’s what a lot […]
Read More… from Does Your Design Capture the Essence of Who You Are?

The value of a well-designed website can’t be understated. Given the amount of time consumers put into doing their research about services and products online, your website has to stand above the others, and this means plenty of focus on the right design to capture their attention and keep it. There are many programs out […]

You probably won’t have any trouble making decisions related to font and color scheme, images and menus that you’d like to include on your website’s design composition. You probably have much more trouble envisioning the white space that a smart design includes. Maybe you think of white space as wasted space on any given web […]
Read More… from The Role of White Space in Design Composition

Your logo design is just one element of your branding, but it carries a lot of the weight when it comes to recognizability and communicating what you’re all about. We designed a new logo for FSB, a community bank, that helped them see a great return on their marketing investment that you really need to […]

Has your logo become invisible to you? Maybe you’ve seen it at the top of the letterhead, across your website and on every other piece of communication for so many years that you fail to see it anymore. If that’s the case, it’s time to consider your logo design and whether it’s time for a […]

In their best form, infographics are an artistic, effective and clear way of putting information in front of your target audience. Infographic designs are definitely proving to be more in demand as audiences are presented with data all day long on their smartphones, tablet computers and desktops — they need an easy way to absorb […]
Read More… from 3 Steps to Infographic Design That Stands Out

You just want access to a coupon code, or you’re trying to read more than the first two paragraphs of a blog, but you’ve got to fill out a contact form first. You’re trying to convince yourself it’s worth it, but after they ask what your spouse’s occupation is and how many pets you have, […]
Read More… from 5 Ways to Improve User Experience With Good Form Design

The role of design has always been important in business, but in recent years the commitment to consistency in design from brands like Target and Starbucks (these people got customers to abandon the words small, medium and large, after all) have elevated consumers’ awareness of good brand design. You could argue that Gap laid the […]