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Professional Photography Gives You a Marketing Boost

Include professional photography in your marketing strategy to improve your SEO and improve conversion rates.

Humans process images almost 60,000 times faster than text. When you consider that people remember about 10% of information three days after reading it, compared to remembering 65% of what they saw in an image, you quickly understand how important professional photography could be to your marketing success.

The power of images as a part of your strategy is proven. For example, did you know Facebook posts with images receive 20% more engagement than those that don’t have images? And Tweets that include images receive 150% more retweets than tweets that don’t. Those are just a couple of examples,  but there are also other valuable benefits seen with a focus on visual marketing.

SEO Improvements

Consumers are so visually driven that they’ll go first to the image results of a keyword search. And while there are numerous ways you can rank higher in search, almost 60% of web traffic comes from Google image searches. The better quality your visual content is, the more chance it has of ranking well on Google.

Convert With Photography

Professional images have a role to play in converting your leads. For example, you want to entice a prospective customer into the buy cycle, but they are starting from scratch and know relatively little about what you have to offer. Providing the right photos and videos gives them something to visualize what your brand is about and may offer a catalyst to the nurturing process.

The caveat here is that you have to use good photography. When you hire a professional photographer, they will create images that are consistent with your branding and provide all the detail the potential buyer needs, thereby helping you convert more leads.

Everyone has a camera in their pocket today, and while some smartphone-generated images are stunning, not everyone has the eye for taking quality photos and videos. Professional photography involves experts who see the world differently than the DIY hobbyist. They know how to frame and light their shots, use top-notch equipment and apply editing expertise. That’s what we offer at SJC Marketing. If you’re committed to providing the best possible visuals, let us help you out. Contact us and learn more about how we get eyes on the brands we assist.

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