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Four Reasons to Spend More Time on Instagram Stories

With Instagram Stories rising in popularity, there's a case for incorporating the tool into your marketing strategy.

Instagram Stories has been gaining traction in social media for a while. Through this tool, brands have a unique opportunity to tell their stories and have a lot of room for creativity and expression, while adding a layer of authenticity not possible on other platforms.

Take a look at four reasons to boost your activity on Instagram Stories:

It Doesn’t Require a Lot of Planning: The line between advertising and content can blur, but Instagram Stories is firmly in the content camp. It’s an opportunity to connect with your audience and essentially say, “We’re people like you, and people like us are all about this product.” It’s simple, it’s fresh, and it’s what your audience is craving.

It’s a Great Platform for Live Video: Unless you include it in your Highlights, your Instagram Stories go away after 24 hours, so it’s a great way to try out live video for your brand messaging. Maybe you give a behind-the-scenes tour of your headquarters, or you do an unboxing of a new product. The temporary nature of Instagram adds a layer of excitement, while also ensuring you that if it’s a bomb, at least it won’t be preserved for posterity.

You Can Bring in an Influencer: You’ve probably invited a guest blogger or a podcast guest to weigh in on your brand or company, but with Instagram Stories, you can do something even more exciting: turn over your brand experience to an influencer. This allows your audiences to see how someone else views your brand and see it through another pair of eyes. An influencer takeover is an ideal fit for Instagram Stories, because it adds urgency to your social media strategy. If your followers don’t check it out, it will be gone.

Encourage Action: With Instagram Stories, you give your audience an experience of your brand, connecting with them emotionally and then leading them to the next step with a call to action. Whether you include a button that connects with your site or offer an opt-in to your email newsletter, there are many ways to use Instagram Stories to move potential buyers through their journey to the next step.

Looking for more strategic ways to use Instagram Stories? At SJC Marketing, we can help you learn more insights for using social media to connect with your target audience.

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