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Five Considerations for Your Content Creation Strategy

It’s not enough just to be on social media anymore. You need a full content creation strategy that drives growth.

Your content creation strategy is a critical piece of your overall marketing plan. Otherwise, how do you determine when it’s okay to share a video or what topics should be addressed in your blog? It’s how you back up your decision to share a brilliant infographic, but not your employee’s video of puppies trying to get out of a wheelbarrow.

A content creation strategy establishes clear goals, determines a content calendar and distribution guidelines, and seeks to engage your audience and build your reputation with them. How does this happen, exactly? Take a look:

Content in the Driver’s Seat: The impact of posting relevant, valuable content is clear: 57% of marketers say it is their most effective tool for driving search engine optimization (SEO). Content not only helps you gain traction on search engines, but it also increases brand awareness, establishes you as an expert in your industry and provides value to your audience.

“Because We’re so Awesome!”: This is an example of what you don’t want as your basis for content. Your “why” for your content strategy must be bigger. How are you positioning your content strategy to benefit your target market? What do you hope to accomplish for them by providing content? Maybe you’ll post a series of how-to videos, or maybe your blogs will strive to answer some common questions.

“Squirrel!”: It’s really not our fault that we are so distracted and unable to keep our attention on one thing. The level of stimulus and noise on social media, email and search engines is enough to make everyone a little zippy with attention levels. The point is, in order for your content to stand out, it must be excellent. It needs to be so valuable that it gets passed from one person to another, encouraging them to check it out.

A Balancing Act: When developing your content creation story, keep in mind that you must constantly be aware of your need to drive SEO versus connecting with your audience. A smart keyword strategy is a necessity. While your content needs to be relevant to your audience, you also want to incorporate researched keywords that will increase your online reach. By emphasizing both SEO-driven content and audience-driven content, you’ll strike a balance of connecting with current customers and reaching more prospective customers.

Tell the Real Story: You’re passionate about what you do, and your audience is going to love that. While you don’t want to make every content post about where you are versus where you started and other company legends, you also shouldn’t shy away from sharing your excitement about what really matters. Is it your dream for your company to sponsor a local shelter or host baby showers for refugee moms? Tell your audience and allow them to join in your efforts.

Your content creation strategy should include some key questions:

  • What is our overall goal, and what are our goals for each individual aspect of our content creation strategy?
  • What mix of distribution channels will help us meet our goals?
  • Who are we targeting with our content?
  • How often will we engage through a particular format and channel?
  • How will we know if we have been successful?

These are just a few of the considerations that should go into an effective content creation strategy. Contact us at SJC Marketing to find out how to get started.

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