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B2B Marketing In Uncertain Times

With the right strategy, your B2B marketing outreach can be more impactful.

As the changes in how we do business during these times continues and the reality of economic downturn is on the minds of many, moving forward with marketing brings many questions. How many times have you used the phrase “uncertain times” in your content as of late? While part of your B2B marketing strategy needs to include acknowledgement of the pandemic and all the uncertainty surrounding it, you want to also impart that you still produce the same quality product consumers are looking for.

A Little Empathy Goes A Long Way

Your B2B target audience is experiencing unprecedented challenges and they’re looking to you for answers. Part of being empathetic is sharing that you understand their fears and that you are working to address their needs. Your B2B marketing outreach needs to address those things head on.

In your blogs, talk about your value in regard to what they’re experiencing. You can also address these worries in social media posts and any other channel you use to connect with your target audience. Take it a step further and segment your audience and draft an email specific to each audience, letting them know that you’re working on their behalf.

Personalized Approach

Just because you’re focused on B2B marketing doesn’t mean you don’t need to take a personalized approach. Even when there’s not a pandemic impacting the world, you should not lose track of the fact that even though it’s B2B, there’s also a human to human component, and it’s never been more important to make that connection.

Most offices have shifted to having their teams work remotely and many may continue to focus on a remote workforce permanently.  Just like you, these employees have a job to do, so invest energy in processes that give you more information about their situation so you can take a more personalized approach in your message to them.

As always, SJC Marketing is here to assist in planning and developing a B2B marketing strategy that will be a great fit for today’s complex situation. Let’s discuss how to better position your brand.

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