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Are You Seeing the Results You Want With LinkedIn Marketing?

LinkedIn marketing is best when your content sharing comes with a few thoughts from you.

LinkedIn is a great way to get the word out about your brand, and it can help you establish yourself as a recognized expert in your industry. How do you get there?

Here are six ways to help you get the most out of your LinkedIn marketing:

Post at the Right Frequency: Like any kind of social media marketing, there’s a fine line between being right in the middle of the conversation, and dominating the conversation. The right presence is a lot like your ideal dinner party guest, who has great stories and a vibrant personality, but is genuinely interested in what others have to say.

For most brands, the best posting frequency is around two to three times a week, with some wiggle room on either side. And when your post is important, consistency is a benefit to both you and your audience.

Easy on the Auto: Marketers love automation, because digital marketing can be time-consuming. But when you program your solution to share something every time a certain keyword or phrase pops up, you may drive your followers insane. Social media demands authenticity, and you won’t achieve it with too much automation.

Get Visual: This one’s pretty easy. Posts with images or video receive 94% more views.

Create Conversations: There’s a formula the Content Marketing Institute promotes called the 4-1-1 Rule. The idea is that for every post you create with your own content, you should be promoting others by resharing of someone else’s content once and posting others’ content four times.

It should come as no surprise that your audience will tire quickly of self-promotion, but there are benefits that come from reposting and sharing others’ content. You can include your own reaction to the article or ask a compelling question about the topic to get comments rolling. You will also find that as you share a post from an influencer in your industry, they may return the favor.

Go Live: Yes, it’s terrifying the first time, but the payoff is worth it. Does it help to find out that 82% of social media users say they would rather watch a live video than read a social media post?

What should you do with your live video session? You can run a question-and-answer session, do a debut of a new product or service or give a virtual tour of your headquarters. Try a short one the first time that’s loosely scripted with an outline to give you some cues and it will get easier from there.

Analytics are Your Friend: So…social media analyst wasn’t up there with “teacher” or “fireman” when you were making your big plans to grow up. None of us knew this was coming, but there’s no reason analytics can’t be your lately-discovered dream job. They’re pretty cool for helping you refine your strategy and get more mileage out of LinkedIn.

From changing up the timing of your post to learning that your live videos are way outperforming any of your other posts, analytics can hold important insights for helping your brand thrive.

If all of these ideas make you excited to jump in and get started, great. If not, give us a call. From honing your existing LinkedIn strategy to designing a comprehensive marketing plan for your company, our team at SJC Marketing is ready to get started.


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