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How to Achieve a More Responsive Experience With Your Website Design

Improving the user experience involves a more responsive experience with your mobile website design.

Enhancing the User Experience Is Key to Success

Consumers on the go expect to gain access to information regardless of where they are, and if you’re failing to offer them that mobile user experience with your website design, you may lose them to a competitor who does.

If we go back to 2015, we see where Google updated its ranking algorithm to make mobile optimization a priority for better search results. For organizations just getting their mobile design going, this meant designing their mobile sites in such a way that made them completely user-friendly (no more expanding images and text so it’s readable).

Why It Happened

If we cater to the consumer, we must offer a customer-centric experience, and it didn’t take long after the first smartphones with full color, high-resolution screens were unleashed that users began using them to surf the web more than they did on their desktops.

As social media became all the rage, the mobile devices we carry with us everywhere allowed us constant contact with our friends and favorite brands through these social channels.

Consumers are going to their mobile devices for entertainment, but they’re also using the mobile device to educate themselves about the products they want/need.

How to Optimize

Start by looking at how your desktop version is organized. Much of the content you have there will be used in your mobile platform.

You want to make sure your website pages are created in AMP HTML, but use separate URLs so you can get a more responsive design. Also, because Google prefers a mobile URL for indexing, this means you need to verify your robots.txt directives work for both versions — desktop and mobile.

If that sounds complex, join the many others who know they need a better website design and user experience but don’t have the time or background to achieve it on their own.

At SJC Marketing, we’re here for you to provide your target audience with a more robust, responsive and user-friendly experience. Contact us and let’s discuss how we can take your current mobile experience to the next level.

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