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Can You Still Reach Your Target Audience Effectively With Facebook Marketing?

Utilizing Facebook to improve customer engagement is still valuable, it just requires an updated strategy.

How to Improve Customer Engagement on One of the Most Popular Social Media Channels

If you’ve had some trepidation regarding your approach to organic reach in your Facebook marketing strategy, join the club.

We saw the writing on the wall as Zuckerberg himself mentioned in a post in early 2018 that “we built Facebook to help people stay connected,” but that they’d gotten feedback from the community that posts from businesses, brands and media were “crowding the personal moments” that lead to connection. This led to some changes with Facebook and many businesses asking if customer engagement tactics would still work on this platform.

Facebook can still be a valuable tool to use for you to engage with your target audience but you may have to adjust your strategy. Here are a few key tips to consider as you evaluate how your Facebook strategy is working in 2019:

Know Your Audience

Look at pages that are similar to yours and see what your target audience is responding to. Check out your analytics and get an idea of how your content is scoring with users and see what you can do to optimize your content.

Don’t be afraid to duplicate what has generated the most interest with your audience in the past. It’s a tactic that works as well on Twitter as it does on Facebook

Response to Comments

Facebook is designed to keep people on Facebook, not redirected to other sites, which is why posts that take people off the platform can be penalized by the algorithms.

To get around this, try adding pertinent links in the first comment to your post. This hasn’t been a rigorously tested tactic, but it’s a strategy that has gained traction in recent months.

Go Live

While videos aren’t necessarily built to work with Facebook marketing algorithm, the simple fact is that people are drawn to video.

But the video you utilize needs to be of top quality. When you plan out your content in advance, focus on quality first, and then use tools like Hyerplapse, Quick or Videoshop to make the production value of equal quality.

Bot Buddies

Facebook Messenger and chatbots are great tools for communicating, in real time, with customers. Users really appreciate this kind of attention to their needs and it puts in motion a strategy that can really build loyalty among your base.

Furthermore, Messenger and bots have been found to be great lead nurturing tools, which means even though the user isn’t in the buy cycle just yet, you’re grooming them to get there.

Contact us at SJC Marketing and let’s talk about your customer engagement issues and let’s work together to make improvements. We have many strategies involving Facebook marketing and we can custom build a plan for your organization.

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