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With B2B Web Design Simple Is Best

B2B web design often presents too much information to the visitor at once. Find out how to inform your visitors at their pace.

You’ve decided it’s time to invest in your B2B web design with a new look and feel to match the direction of your company. For many business owners, determining what to include on a web page can be a maze of decisions and prioritizing, and to alleviate the pressure, it’s easy to just throw everything on the page.

You may want to rethink that approach. If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of a cluttered web page, you know how frustrating it can be to try to figure out how to navigate, find a product page or just even know where to look first. There’s merit in taking the time to be strategic about what goes on each page.

Pace Yourself. Imagine you’re on a first date, and as you sit down to dinner, your date hands you a booklet that includes pages and pages of facts about them. You are trying to thumb through it as they proceed to start rattling off all of their hobbies, interests and work history. You hold up a finger, then, as you become increasingly overwhelmed, you proceed to a flat-handed “stop!” motion. It’s too much. You walk out of the restaurant and decide it’s just not worth the trouble.

This is what happens to your visitors when they arrive on your web page and your overly-cluttered page opens up a video with a guide to your products and services. It’s too much, and you’ll overwhelm visitors quickly.

Instead, pace the amount of information they’re getting, and allow them to receive it on their terms. Invite them to learn more, but keep the information tailored to the stage of the buy cycle that lines up with a casual visitor to your site.

Solve, Don’t Sell. Authenticity is more important than ever, and you want to be first seen as a problem-solver for potential customers, with an opportunity for sales coming later. If you create a web design that’s intended to help, not sell, you’ll find that the selling part comes naturally.

Your B2B web design should include a clear focus toward the needs of your visitors, not toward your need to sell your products. People can even sense when an attempt to help is a thinly-veiled bid for a sale, so keep your help pure. Offer it without any intention of turning the interaction into a sale and you’ll build a relationship with your audience.

Your B2B web design begins with a clear understanding of your brand message and the needs of your target audience. At SJC Marketing we can help you explore options for a simple, inviting web design.

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