You can’t discount the importance of the user experience. Within the topic of website accessibility, you can define success or failure based on the level of experience the user has while on your site. Is there an audience that will find it inaccessible? Knowing the answer to this question will guide you to an improved website design strategy.
Inaccessibility Issues
The most basic definition of website inaccessibility is when a website is designed without regard to the user experience for everyone. Some websites are built with a singular focus on a limited demographic of potential users, which means it is only accessible to that limited audience.
Another way a website is inaccessible is when the design doesn’t account for users with disabilities. For example, your site includes videos with audio, but not captions. When a deaf person tunes in to your video and it doesn’t include captions, they will flag your site as inaccessible.
But it can also go in a different direction; what if someone who is not hearing impaired views your video while in an area where they don’t want to disturb those around them with audio? They will miss out on the bulk of the value of the content.
Business Impacts of Accessibility
Your website is among the most vital outlets you have for reaching out to current and potential customers. It’s where they go to problem-solve, find information and move closer to deciding on whether or not they will purchase from you. Your website is both a customer service tool and a hub for nurturing potential customers. It’s clear that website accessibility is vital for these reasons, but there is more to consider.
More and more lawsuits have been filed recently in regard to website accessibility. There has been a 14% increase in lawsuits filed since 2021. Laws regarding accessibility are evolving slowly despite the number of lawsuits and the landscape looks uncertain, but regardless of the threat of a lawsuit, the right thing to do is to consider everyone’s ability to use your site.
Creating a User-Friendly Experience
It’s time to audit your website. To what degree is your website ADA-compliant? For example, when a blind person accesses your website, will they be able to use a screen reader? And while it may be only one example of accessibility, it’s important to roughly 4% of the population.
Your best option is to seek out assistance to ensure your website is operating at its optimal level. That’s what we do at SJC Marketing. From design to functionality, we can help you build the most impactful website for your organization that is accessible. Contact us for more information about how we can help.