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Video Marketing Can Help You Gain Trust With Consumers

Outsource your video marketing needs to a professional and reap the rewards.

Building trust with customers ranks high on the list of goals for companies that want to improve sales. You gain a competitive edge when you gain the trust of customers and gaining that edge is often one of the more difficult aspects of bringing in new customers. Video marketing has increasingly played a large role in engaging customers, demonstrating who you are and gaining trust.

Trust is important to consumers, too. A 2019 report from Edelman called “In Brands We Trust?” revealed that 81% of consumers said they need to trust a brand before they will buy from them.

Perks of Video Marketing

Reputation is everything, so it’s reasonable that a business will do everything it can to improve its reputation, especially among potential consumers. The downward spiral of a business is often tied directly to its reputation and the same is true of a business that is tracking upward. Video marketing is a great way to put your brand’s personality out there so you can make a positive impression on consumers.

When you capture the attention of like-minded consumers, you can impress upon them that your products and services are of value and address a need they have. This ultimately leads to a happy customer. One of the perks of making a customer happy is that they become loyal, which can lead to them becoming a long-term customer who will consistently buy from you.

Consistent Communication

Video reaches consumers like no other medium can. It’s well-established that humans are visual beings who connect to content much more deeply when it is in a picture or video format compared to text. Video marketing is more stimulating because it involves more senses, but it’s also a way to consistently communicate to your target audience what’s important to your brand.

Search Success

Do you want more traffic to your website, but don’t want to pay for ads? When you invest in video marketing, you can gain traction on that traffic because you can link back to your site in your videos, giving users an easy way to jump to your site, but without having to pay for it via ads.

Outsource to a Professional

Few organizations have internal team members who have an expertise in videography, which is why outsourcing your video marketing makes good business sense. At SJC Marketing, we can help you with research on what your target audience wants to see, and we can produce and distribute the videos for you. Contact us and see why so many companies rely on our video marketing services.

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