Lead Forensics

The Most Coveted Part of Video Marketing

Video marketing is expected to expand in 2023, but many companies aren’t ready.

A dedicated videographer? Better equipment? Nope. The thing that companies wish they had most is a solid video marketing strategy.

That’s one of the major findings of the 2022 Video & Visual Storytelling Survey conducted by the Content Marketing Institute. The survey revealed that only 12% of respondents believe their team is making the most of their video marketing.

And if you’re thinking that maybe this is because they are wishing they had more money to spend, that’s not necessarily the problem. Some marketers say that all a bigger budget does is put more pressure on your team. Your board may be expecting to see Hollywood-grade productions rather than the fun TikTok videos you had in mind if they push more money your way.

So, why is video marketing falling short of what it could be for a lot of companies?

When asked what was necessary to meet video’s full potential, 59% of respondents said their most coveted aspect of video marketing is a strategy.

Among those that are seeing fantastic results in their video marketing, there are some indications that strategy really is the key. Here are some of what those respondents say is going well:

  • Engaging topics that audiences care about
  • Effective storytelling
  • Understanding what brings value to audiences
  • Clear metrics for evaluating which videos work and which don’t

These are just a few of the elements that can help make a strategy effective. There are several key benefits of a video strategy:

Consistency: Your team will be on the same page for the release schedule for your videos, the look and feel of the content and the length of your videos.

Measurable Goals: You’ll know whether you’re doing what you’ve planned.

A Clear Distribution Plan: The videos you produce will have a strategic destination; no more trial-and-error to see what sticks.

If you’re just getting started with video marketing and you’re interested in talking about what a strategy could do for your company, contact us at SJC Marketing.

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