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Reasons Why You Should Get Connected With LinkedIn for Businesses

Instagram Stories is a great way to infuse your marketing with relatability.

Job hunters around the world rely on LinkedIn for networking in hopes of landing their next position, but businesses are utilizing it for something entirely different – drumming up more revenue. Building a LinkedIn for businesses requires more than creating a company page and offering the occasional update – getting the most out of it requires quality content and being active on a consistent basis.

Your Profile

What’s unique about your company’s journey and what sets you apart from others in your industry? What achievements are you proud of and what are some key facts that define your company culture? Answer these questions and you’re well on your way to creating a good profile.

Your profile allows you to tell your professional story and showcase what you have to offer. It’s also a space where you can share the knowledge you’ve amassed in your time in your industry. For a potential customer who’s never heard of you, a well-designed profile on LinkedIn for businesses offers a great first impression.

Establishing Important Relationships

One of the more challenging aspects of using LinkedIn for businesses is that it can take some patience. You’re not going to build up a large list of connections or a big audience willing to absorb, comment on and share your content quickly. Your goal should be to cultivate relationships over time with consistent interaction, activity and posting. This is what makes you a valued member instead of one of a billion users currently on the platform.

Pulling In Leads

The more value you bring to the LinkedIn for businesses table, the more visible you’ll be to others. People use LinkedIn because they’re searching for something that will bring them value, so if you’re offering it through your content, they’ll eventually see it.

When you’re consistently providing good content to your network, the chances of you pulling in high-quality leads jump up tremendously. Again, it’s all about your content quality, from visuals to graphics to the words you use and how you engage others on the platform.

If you’re feeling a bit lost on how to proceed with LinkedIn or if your efforts to date haven’t shown much promise, contact us at SJC Marketing. We can assist you in creating the content that will turn heads.

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