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Creating Impactful Messaging With Content Marketing and Creativity

A computer sits on a desk at an angle in front of a shaded window with the words "content marketing" displayed in bold text on the screen.

Many goals and objectives are attached to content marketing. From increasing brand awareness to gaining the trust of your audience, there is no shortage of ways in which a strong content marketing strategy can give your company a competitive edge. But without creativity behind your content, you’re not likely to see the results you are looking for.

Establishing Your Brand Identity

Examine the data on your target audience so you fully understand their pain points, their wants and their needs. Now you can build content that is informational yet entertaining and you’ll not only address their pain points but also build your brand identity in the process. A strategy that delivers consistent brand messaging across multiple channels in a creative way will further strengthen your brand identity and establish you as an authority.

“Reach” Your Target Market

While there are many marketing tactics built around statistical reach, your creative content is what provides the emotional reach. This is the content that speaks to deeper needs. You can answer questions and provide answers for pain points through your content, but your creative approach takes it a step further and makes a greater, personalized impact.


Creativity is more than just the words you use. For example, there is design creativity in every digital marketing campaign. It can even be subconscious, but the flow of content through all the design elements outside of the text is extremely important. This involves creative thinking about the user experience and how design can enhance that experience.

A good design will:

  •  Attract potential customers
  • Stand out from the competition
  • Create positive first impressions
  • Influence your target audience
  • Increase web traffic

Tapping into creativity requires more than just data – you need a team of creatives working in your corner, dreaming up emotionally impactful content on your behalf. That’s what you get when you partner with SJC Marketing. Want to know more about our creative process? Contact us and let’s talk about how we’ll get more eyes on your brand.

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