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Pair Email Marketing With Social Media to Generate More Leads

Email marketing efforts utilizing social media channels offers a massive return on investment.

Few doubt the power of social media in marketing a business, but what about using social media to boost your email marketing efforts? If you believe email marketing is a thing of the past, take a look at the statistics regarding engagement, making money and finding a new audience.

  • The return on investment with email campaigns is almost 120% higher compared to other digital channels.
  • There are nearly 4 billion email users around the globe.
  • Email and social media combine to be a powerful lead generation tool. Download our white paper on email marketing for lead generation to read more about this!

The statistics are definitely there, but sending out marketing emails in a haphazard manner isn’t going to yield the results represented above. It’s important to develop a targeted campaign which taps into your social media to get consumers signed up to your email list. This targets the people who really have an interest in your brand.

Here are some great tips to implement as you develop a strategy for email and social media together:

  • Sponsor Contests
    Consumers are more willing to share their details when they know they’ve got something to gain, which is why hosting contests, particularly on Facebook, allows you to customize promotional content. Even modest prizes can net a stack of emails that weren’t on your list previously.
  • Webinar Invites
    This is another situation where you host something that consumers can get something out of, but before they can tune in to your webinar, they have to offer up some information about themselves. You don’t have to get too personal with the details, but make sure you’re getting an email address from them.
  • Let it Drip
    Drip campaigns leak out information about your campaign a little at a time. Offer an in-depth blog post, quizzes, white papers, videos and updates on products. The drip campaign will entice your target audience who will eventually sign up to a newsletter via their email.
  • Landing Page Success
    Are you inviting your social media followers to visit your website? Let them know that by visiting, they can gain access to a valuable white paper or eBook. Link it to your email marketing landing page and see your leads improve drastically.

Let SJC Marketing assist you in building up your email list with contacts that turn in to valuable leads – a target audience that will be eager to hear from you. Contact us and let’s discuss your next campaign.

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