If you’ve ever used pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, you know it is a form of marketing where you pay a fee any time a user clicks on your ad. It is meant to drive more traffic to your website. (You can learn more about PPC campaigns and other key marketing tools by signing up to receive our newsletter!) But you might be wondering, “does my website design have any impact on PPC campaigns?”
When you utilize PPC in your marketing strategy, you’re highly focused on tracking conversions, formulating various ad groups and you’re delving into messaging. However, website design is highly important to the success of your PPC campaigns.
Be Responsive
You can have a highly organized and tantalizing PPC ad up and running, but if your target audience clicks on the ad and lands on a clunky website, they may not stay long.
You have to remember that while laptops and desktops are still in use, the majority of your customers are going to click on ads via their mobile device, whether it’s a phone or a tablet. Website design, for this reason, must be mobile-friendly.
If your website design isn’t responsive, you’re going to lose potential leads. A responsive design involves one that allows a user, regardless of their screen size or platform, to smoothly navigate your site.
In a responsive site, scripting abilities, resolution and image size will always be accommodating to the user’s behavior.
Getting Up to Speed
If we’ve learned anything in this “age of the Internet,” it is that people’s patience has waned. In fact, a majority of consumers say the speed of a website can determine whether or not they will make a purchase.
Many consumers will only give a website three seconds to open before they bail. This means you can have a fully responsive and slick design laid out, but if it doesn’t load quickly, you’re going to miss out on many potential customers.
You can use a Google tool to test the speed of your mobile site here.
If you want to get the most out of your PPC advertising, it pays to work with a team that can assist you in making sure your objectives are in order, that your internal logic and structure is consistent, the look of your site fits your branding and all technical errors are sorted out.
At SJC Marketing, we assist clients with website design and many other marketing-based solutions. If you’re stuck with a clunky website that is killing your PPC campaigns, contact us and let’s work together to improve your site.