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Get Your Email Marketing Campaign Back on Track

Email marketing remains a heavyweight in consumer outreach.

More than $102 billion will have been spent on social media marketing campaigns by the end of 2020, so it makes sense that people would think that social media is the king of all mediums. But don’t forget about the power of email marketing, because it can create a large return on investment (ROI) in conjunction with a strong marketing strategy.

According to a study by Litmus, a company that focuses on fine-tuning marketing methods, 77% of marketers said email is among the top two most impactful methods they use to bolster their brand. Almost as many said email marketing is “vital” to their success as a company.

As with any strategy, it pays to measure results to success, and email marketing best practices include tracking your ROI. Unfortunately, the Litmus report found that only 25% of companies follow through with this in any sort of regular ROI tracking (a higher percentage of marketers said they do a “poor,” or “very poor” job of tracking ROI).

Personalization is Imperative

“Perfecting personalization” is a common email marketing mantra, but it remains important. When you fail to personalize, you are failing at one of the most important email marketing best practices. Take the time to understand who your audience is, what they value and what their pain points are.  You want your content to be tailored to them.

Use Incentives

A sure way to get more replies is to incentivize the reader to open your email. For example, you could use “50% Off Your Next Purchase,” or “Free Shipping” or “Free Gift With Purchase” in the subject line and see a bump in your ROI.

A note of caution here: if your contact is not yet familiar with your company, these emails will come across as spam, so segment your audience and ensure that you’re sending these to customers who have already interacted with you in some shape or form.

Clean the List

Another important practice is to clean your list of contacts that have a history of not engaging with you. Keeping these consumers on your list will negatively affect your open rate and campaign results.

CTA Protocols

Your call to action is important, so keep it “above the fold” in your email. When you put your CTA below the fold, research shows that 70% of your recipients won’t see it, which means they will be less likely to take the next important step toward entering the buy cycle.

For more information about how to carry out an email campaign, call on SJC Marketing. We can boost your ROI and get more eyes on your brand.

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