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Four Ways Instagram Marketing Gets a Boost from Email

Email and Instagram marketing make a perfect pair, encouraging user-generated content and more click-throughs.

Social media has been the marketing darling for the past decade, with companies often asking if tools like email could become irrelevant. Instagram marketing and other more visual formats may seem to be outshining other marketing channels, but the smartest solution is to use them in combination.

Omnichannel marketing takes tools like email and Instagram and creates an optimized, coordinated campaign that reaches more of your audience and in a more potent and powerful way. Try these techniques for boosting Instagram marketing with email in an omnichannel approach:

Cross-Promote: You can build your email subscription list by imbedding your link to sign up into your Instagram posts. Likewise, including social media buttons at the bottom of your email is a great way to improve Instagram engagement.

The more touchpoints you have with audiences, the better. So, use each of these formats to boost the other.

Sync Content Calendars: Instead of using separate content and posting calendars, coordinate between departments to make the most of your marketing efforts. If you’re getting ready to run an Instagram contest, promote it to your email subscribers. If you’re about to send out an awesome promotion via email, announce it on Instagram with a link to subscribe.

Encourage User-Generated Content: Consumers love to find public proof before investing in a brand, so make it easy with user-generated content. Invite Instagram followers to share their favorite photo using your product, and then use these testimonials as content in your email newsletter.

Including user-generated content can really liven up an otherwise-lifeless email message and entice your subscribers to come and check you out on Instagram.

Cultivate a Brand Ambassadors’ Group: Your email subscribers’ group is a great place to build a brand ambassadors’ group. Invite email recipients for an opportunity to receive special promotions and giveaways when they create posts featuring your brand. You’ll enjoy better reach, increased traffic to your website, as well as a boost to your brand awareness.

These are just a few of the ways that Instagram marketing gets a big boost from email. Our team at SJC Marketing can help you with more ideas on creating an omnichannel marketing strategy.

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