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Don’t Lose Sight of the Art of Marketing

Your marketing strategy should be based on data, but it’s also important to remember the art of marketing.

There’s a whopping amount of data available to you about what your customers do and why they do it. You can know what they tend to click before they finally decide to make a purchase. You can learn which subject line led to the most click-throughs on your email campaign. No behavior is too minor to investigate when you are trying to create the perfect marketing strategy.

It’s a wealth of helpful information to companies who want to know how to increase growth or find out why some campaigns outperform others. When it comes to your target market, there’s no reason why you can’t figure out the age range, gender, income level, marriage status and hobbies of those most likely to buy your product. In fact, you should.

Data is immensely helpful for building a marketing strategy, but it doesn’t tell you everything.

Here are a few things data won’t tell you, and why you need not only the science of marketing, but the art of it when creating your strategy:

How Your Products Make People Feel: Whether you’re selling life insurance that provides the feeling of security, or high-end toiletries that imitate the luxury of a spa day, there are important feelings that come with your product or service. Reams of data can’t tell you that your clients purchase your handmade rugs because the bright colors bring joy into their homes.

A Perfectly-Timed Joke: Humor is a great way to build authenticity and empathy into your campaign. That laugh is often a recognition of “oh…yeah, me too,” and it gives you a connection with your audience that can’t be quite defined in a report.

Shared Values: In recent years, consumers have begun to want more than just quality and the right price. They want a brand experience with a company that shares their view of the world. Whether that means you partner with a charity or you make an effort at sustainability, there’s a side to your brand that needs to be a bit human.

At SJC Marketing, we create a marketing strategy that’s based on the data, but with the game-changing addition of uniquely-you creativity. It’s all designed to make your brand shine.

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