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Does Your Web Design Accurately Represent Your Brand?

A woman sits at a desk looking at a monitor with a website on the screen.

First impressions are crucial, and for consumers, their first interactions with a brand are usually through the company website. Now is the time to take a step back and take an objective look at your website – is it accurately representing your brand or is it time to rethink your web design?

Maybe you ran through this exercise a few years ago and were happy with the results, but remember, things change fast, especially in web design. This means that a website that was newly designed just a few years ago could now be outdated and not meet your needs.

Building Trust

When a customer makes a purchase, there’s a high likelihood that they trust the brand they’re buying from. Building the type of trust that leads to long-term loyalty is a complex issue, but you can quickly establish a baseline level of trust by strategically planning your website design. You want your website to effectively serve your first-time customers who might not have ever heard of you before landing on your site.

Creating Experiences

Web designers make it a priority to create a user experience that matters. They achieve this by making site navigation simple and intuitive. This is important because users today will bounce in a matter of seconds if there is anything clunky about the site.

Getting the user experience right involves numerous components, including the following:

  • Fast load speed
  • Mobile-friendly design
  • Interactive design elements
  • Accessibility

When the major elements of web design are in order, the next step is to provide user content that informs users about questions they may have. The right content at the right time may move them forward in the buy cycle.

SEO Assistance

Web design matters in search engine optimization (SEO), because search algorithms favor sites that are well-built. More importantly – they can “penalize” sites that function poorly. Furthermore, given the amount of effort it takes to nail SEO strategies related to the content itself, which includes using the right keywords and much more, anything less than an optimized, high-functioning and easy-to-navigate website only works against all that effort.

Outsourcing Your Web Design

Web design is not a DIY venture, at least not for companies that are serious about seeing results. The best course of action is to seek out a professional who can assist with every aspect of designing a website. That’s what we do at SJC Marketing, so contact us and let’s work together on establishing trust and boosting sales with your optimized and fine-tuned website.

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