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Marketing Musings

At a meeting table, a person at the head of the table holds up a graph to show the team.
Quality Marketing Is an Investment

Ignoring your marketing budget for a short time can feel freeing. PPC ads? Sure! A new direct mail campaign? Why not? It’s a lot of fun until expense reports are due and you’re getting a few questions from your friends in accounting. If you’ve blown your budget in the past, you know how easy it […]

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A laptop, calculator and clipboard are on desk with the acronym "PPC" in the background.
Drive Quicker Results by Adding PPC Ads

You’re looking for ways to expand the reach of your content marketing and your first thought might be optimizing your content for SEO. While investing in your SEO long game is critical, you also want to consider short-term gains. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is an excellent tool to help you meet short-term goals. The first thing […]

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A woman sits at a desk, typing on a laptop with one hand and holding a smartphone in the other.
Your Website is Your Marketing and Growth Hub: Make it Work for You

After your employees, products and services, your website is the most valuable resource. Not only is it the hub of your online presence, it’s also where you build credibility among potential customers, showcase your products and services and display marketing content that expands your audience. Spotlight on Products and Services Consumers want to make informed […]

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Close-up of a desk, where a calculator, graph and laptop are being used for analysis.
Why Marketing Math Is Easy

If you grew up hating word problems in math, you’re in luck. This one is so easy, you’ll experience true redemption. You might even want to write a giant “A” in the top corner if you’re still a bit traumatized by all the red marks you used to see on your math tests. We’re not […]

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A man stands in an office looking at a smartphone while a woman stands next to him looking at the same phone.
Marketing in 2025: Steps to Engaging More Consumers

When the focus of your marketing content is on people, you resonate more with consumers than if the focus is on sales. And no matter how small or large your business is, authenticity and personalization will always matter. According to a recent blog post from a long-time marketing professional, “Marketing is at its best when […]

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A white background shows a smattering of marketing-related words in light gray, while the words "Digital Marketing" are in red in the foreground.
The Digital Marketing Advantage

There is a lot of online traffic out there, which can make it difficult to attract attention away from competitors, but consistent digital marketing efforts can pay off for your business. The following are some of the top reasons businesses of all sizes are serious about their digital marketing strategies. Precision Targeting It’s critical to […]

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A tablet screen shows a blue background with "PPC" written in white and four icons on the bottom of the screen. It is on a table with graphs and a smartphone.
Maximize Your Reach With PPC Ads

No matter which channels you use as a part of your marketing strategy, PPC ads play an important role. They are a fast-acting marketing tool to increase awareness about your brand and promote lead generation. PPC ads can also be measured and tracked to identify what is working and what is not. Why So Many […]

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A person sits at a laptop looking at the screen and its mobile counterpart on a smartphone.
How Can You Tell if It’s Time for a Rebrand?

You’ve got that itch. Your logo seems irrelevant and out of date. Your performance is sliding and you’re sure it has to do with your messaging. Your competitors, meanwhile, seem so current and in touch with their audiences. Is it time for a rebrand? How can you tell if you have legitimate reasons to pursue […]

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A women with long hair and wearing a red scarf looks with disapproval at her smartphone screen.
The Advantage of Creating an Emotional Impact With Your Facebook Ads

When the return on investment in your Facebook ads begins to take a downward trend, it may be an indication that you’re failing to connect with your audiences. All good campaigns emphasize the structure of the campaign, analyze the various bidding strategies and look deep into the different targeting options, but when all the focus […]

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A laptop sits open on a desk next to a cup of coffee. The screen says "SEO" in large letters.
Do You Know the True Value of SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a nearly 30-year-old process. It has evolved from a strategy that relied on keyword stuffing to a highly formalized process that values quality content over all else. Companies of all sizes invest time, energy and funds in SEO. When a company focuses on SEO in their content creation, it is […]

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