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Video Marketing is King: Make an Emotional Connection With Your Audience

A woman with long, dark hair sits on a couch, smiling at something she is watching on a cell phone.

The use of video marketing is proving to be useful in increasing engagement with consumers across all industries. Your audience is drawn in through captivating visuals that educate, inform and even entertain.

From a marketing perspective, video is key because of what it does for retention rates, which can translate to higher sales. Video enhances engagement among consumers who are more captivated by video than they are by text only.

Get the Message Across

In the hands of a video marketing professional, complex information can be easily conveyed through video. While video is an easy-to-digest medium, it takes a skilled hand to create content that will resonate with the target audience to draw consumers in.

Furthermore, there is so much content out there today, especially video content, that in order for your video marketing to make a splash, you want to partner with an expert who can understand your audience, their pain points, their preferences and how to build content that will speak to them.

Amp Up Your Social Media

There is no substitute for video in social media posts. Social platform algorithms place a higher value on video, which means it has a greater chance of being shared and potentially going viral. From high engagement comes improved visibility and reach. A video marketing strategy for social media has valuable benefits for your brand.

Social media marketing tools give you a means for measuring your strategies, as you can dive into the analytics and extract information that can help your future campaigns.

Make the Connection

Words matter, but adding video can provide a powerful connection that hits users on an emotional level. With the right approach, you can use video to evoke emotions and build your brand loyalty to new heights.

You can even create behind-the-scenes content to make a more personal connection with your audience. This kind of content personalizes your brand and can go a long way toward establishing trust with your customers and potential customers.

When you outsource to a video marketing professional like SJC Marketing, you get a team of experts collaborating to bring high-quality video to your followers, customers and potential customers. Contact us and learn more about our approach to establishing trust and loyalty through quality content.

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