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Converting Your Audience With B2B Marketing

If your approach to B2B social media marketing is stagnant, review some of the tenets of producing quality content.

Key Pieces for Your Social Media Strategy

The way we approach B2B marketing utilizing social media channels continues to evolve. But regardless of the rapid social media changes that are a part of shaping your marketing strategy, the foundation is always gaining a deeper knowledge of what works for your target audience. Here are a few other key pieces of a solid B2B social strategy:

Personal and Consistent

Regardless of whom your target audience is, social media users have something in common: they want to be communicated with on a personal, casual level. Even in B2B marketing, being too technical or “salesy” in your social media posts will.
lead to low engagement rates with consumers.

It is also important to be consistent in the way you create content. Make sure that it promotes a conversation between you and the user. With a focus on creating that type of content, you will see your audience becoming engaged with your brand.

Show Your Work

B2B companies need to prove that the stats, data, etc. they’re using is valid. When you’re posting about how something you’re promoting has worked for others, cite your sources in your posts. When you can provide proof, you become more of an authority and your posts are more likely to be shared with a wider audience.

Know When to Get Technical

You and your colleagues probably throw around a lot of technical jargon at work. It’s completely normal, and in some respects,  it can be utilized in your social media content, but not without some key considerations.

When you have content that is directed at a very specific audience, utilizing some of that jargon will speak directly to them, allowing you to make succinct points that will hit home with the right people. But it’s important not to be too technical and speak over your audience.

Find out more about how to approach B2B marketing by contacting us at SJC Marketing. We would love to meet with you and help you develop a strategy to meet your business goals.

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