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Building a Solid Facebook Marketing Foundation With Your Business Page

Facebook marketing is a great way to engage with your audience and it begins with a strong business page.

The foundation of a strong Facebook marketing strategy for your business begins with a solid business page. A business profile is different than a personal page and offers unique features such as a “learn more” button, as well as a map for your location. There are many good reasons for jumping into Facebook marketing and building a strong business page. Here are just a few:

  • It builds brand credibility, integrity and awareness
  • It gives you a vehicle for real-time connection with audiences
  • Facebook ads can help you expand your reach
  • You can build a strong online community

Here is a great checklist to get started with your Facebook business page:

Join Facebook: You can do this either as a business or through a personal profile. You’ll need to come up with a page name, choose a business category and write a description. This is a great place for your brand voice to come out, whether it’s serious or silly, quirky or straightforward.

Add Profile and Cover Photos: You may decide to use your logo as your profile picture. Your cover photo should be one that captures the personality of your company. Maybe it’s a favorite picture of your team or a close-up of some state-of-the-art machinery that differentiates your product.

Include the Details: Now it’s time to add your location, your hours of operation, your contact info and your username. This should be an @, followed by your company name. Some companies use a tagline or catchphrase instead, but you want to make it as easy as possible for visitors to find your page.

Customize Your CTA Button: Every business page includes a CTA button, and you’ll want to tailor yours to your most effective action that leads to growth. For instance, if you’re an e-commerce site, your button might say, “Shop Now,” or if you are a consultant, you might want your button to say, “Book a Consultation.”

Publish: Before you invite someone to your business page, make sure there’s something for them to find. This is a good place to use a piece of content that you know will perform well with Facebook marketing, such as a video or infographic that has received good feedback on your website.

Invite: If you already have a personal Facebook page, the site will prompt you to invite your friends, and this can be a good starting place for building your social audience.

Setting up your business page is just the first step to a Facebook marketing plan. Our team at SJC Marketing would love to talk to you more about the elements of a successful social media strategy.


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