Lead Forensics

A Marketing Strategy for Engaging More Customers

Using short-form video in your marketing strategy will give your brand more exposure.

Get more eyes on your brand, pull in quality leads and convince prospective customers that you have something they want. Simple, right? It could be with TikTok. Consider making this platform part of your marketing strategy if you haven’t already.

A recent article in Marketing Week sheds light on how a company, Marks & Spencer, took a new approach to its marketing strategy by implementing a series of funny videos on TikTok. They made a fairly large impact, generating more than 18 million views in five days, bringing thousands of visitors to their website.

Creative Content

It’s easy for marketing strategies to become stagnant, as brands find a niche and stick to it for too long. The impact is fewer engagements with potential customers and current customers, which can result in a dip in sales. Some brand leaders say embracing TikTok has spurred them to think of more creative content that entertains consumers.

The effect is also felt by brands that have dived into creating short-form videos for other platforms, including Instagram and Facebook. And while these videos don’t fit the need for longer instructional videos, the entertainment factor alone can provide a boost to the overall image of a brand.

Success Stories

You don’t have to be a multi-billion-dollar company like Marks & Spencer to make a splash with your creative video content. TikTok has a unique algorithm that learns what users like as they use the app. Being consistent in your approach to creating content and constantly gearing your content in the direction of the interests your target audience shares, even small businesses can connect to potential buyers via TikTok.

Another example of a TikTok success story comes from Enchanted Scrunch, a company that sells scrunchies in a variety of designs. The founder, Dasha Derkach, said she was looking for a way to promote her products and began creating videos for TikTok. She pulled in 15,000 views in the first two months and received 10 orders on the first day alone. Her videos have more than 3 million views and she now sees around 90% of her sales (around 500 orders per week) through TikTok.

Creating content that looks great and hits on all the right topics that matter to your target audience can be intimidating. At SJC Marketing, we help our clients with all of their marketing needs, from doing customer research to building content to distributing it. We can assist you with your short-form videos, too, so contact us and let’s talk about getting more eyes on your brand.

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