Come on, be honest. When is the last time you reviewed your content marketing strategy?
Wait you don’t have a content marketing strategy? Take some time to read our case study on how vital content marketing is to your business success. And then let’s talk about getting started on your strategy!
If you already have a content marketing strategy, you’re probably operating on auto pilot, churning out content according to your schedule, but rarely stopping to consider whether you’re getting the results you anticipated, and whether there are any new trends you should be incorporating.
Even if you’re savvy with the analytics and are confident that your content is delivering a solid return on investment, it’s still a good idea to check in now and then. Take a look at a few of the key trends dominating content marketing today:
Making it Rain: You don’t have your receptionist maintain your HVAC system. Your sales manager isn’t tasked with the bookkeeping. Yet, when it comes to content, a lot of companies are assigning it to an in-house employee that may know very little about how content fuels growth.
Even if you have a delivery driver who happens to be a fantastic writer, an inventory manager that rocks social media or an accountant that knows their way around the video setting on their iPhone, you should still invest in content creation.
In the last 12 months B2C companies reported that content creation was the area they most increased their spending, followed by content distribution. In other words, you may believe that an in-house approach is enough, but your competitor may be dazzling your target market with higher-quality content.
This Time, It’s Personal: If you’re producing content that you intend to distribute to all your target market, you may need to be more specific. Consumers value a personalized experience, so if your content is for everyone, it’s really for no one.
Instead, segment your market by age, gender, income, occupation or any other one of innumerable qualifiers that can help you create personalized content. Then, distribute the content to each of the specified segments. You can even personalize your content according to what stage of the buy cycle a potential client is currently exploring.
You’re Not as Authentic as You Think You Are: Authenticity. It’s a content marketing trend that’s not going away, and yet, companies are still failing to master it.
Consider this: 92% of brands believe that they are authentic and that this aspect of their brand resonates with their customers.
It’s too bad that the message isn’t reaching consumers, 51% of whom believe that less than half of all brands are succeeding at authenticity.
So what makes authenticity actually happen? It’s when companies are able to stand behind their brand promise. It’s about consistency and accountability.
If you thought hastily snapped pictures of your best-looking employees pretending to be caught in a candid shot was authenticity…well, now you know.
Nobody ever said content marketing was easy, but just because it’s hard doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it. Just do it an easier way and call on SJC Marketing. Contact us for an initial consultation and let’s get started on a strategy.