Deciding how to spend the dollars allocated to your marketing strategy can be complicated, especially when it comes to social media. How do you decide how to use your budget?
While you will mostly base your decisions on data, such as where your audience spends the most time and which platform matches your industry best, you may want to set aside a bit of your funds to try something new. And Instagram Reels may be a good spot to experiment.
Instagram Reels provides a way to post 15- to 30-second videos on Instagram. It comes with features like special filters and effects as well as customizable audio. Here are a few ways it could be used within your marketing strategy:
Tips, Tricks and How-Tos: Instagram Reels is a great way to give your audience a quick instructional video. If you have a product that’s relatively straightforward, don’t stretch it to fit a longer video. It’s perfect for Instagram Reels.
Share an Update: Getting ready to debut a new product line or offer a great promotion? Instagram Reels, with its short format, is a perfect place to grab your audience’s attention without losing their interest.
Pull a Prank: Shorter videos are perfect for office shenanigans that beg to be shared with your customers and followers.
Join a Trend or Challenge: Every brand must prove that they are timely and relevant, especially if you are marketing to younger demographics. Show that you’re in on the latest trend and make a video of the dance move or stunt that everyone’s trying.
Showcase a Team Member: Shorter video format is ideal for authenticity, as well as for keeping the people appearing in them from getting awkward. Use Instagram Reels to create a series of videos introducing your team.
In addition to authenticity, the other hallmark of short-form video is humor. If you’re a more serious brand, this is your opportunity to be funny without it “counting.” Nobody considers short-form video to be a formal communication from your brand; it’s a fun, laid-back place.
Want help getting started? At SJC Marketing, we know how to work social media marketing trends like Instagram Reels into your overall strategy. Contact us to schedule a chat.