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Does Your B2B Marketing Need TikTok?

The latest B2B marketing tool you could be using? It’s TikTok. Use it to showcase new products or a quick how-to.

You’ve been waiting for it: the perfect opportunity to show off your brand’s humorous side while proving to the teenagers in your life that you’re still cool. That’s right, TikTok is the social media platform your B2B marketing strategy needs.

It may surprise you, but there are a few reasons why TikTok may be the right place to invest right now:

  • It’s great for showing off a side of your brand voice that you feel might otherwise draw attention away from your core brand message. Whether it’s participating in a TikTok challenge or creating your own funny video, this is a great opportunity to connect in a new way.
  • It is a less-demanding video format. TikTok is celebrated for its authenticity, so your video doesn’t need to be heavily edited.
  • Your audience may not be able to resist you. Sprout Social found that short-form videos are the most engaging of any social media content types.

If you’re convinced that this is truly the social media platform your B2B marketing strategy has been waiting for, here are a few ideas for making the most of it:

Product Demo: TikTok is a great format for a quick demo of a special feature on your product. You can be straightforward with this or you can use the opportunity to do something a little different, like little-known uses of your product. The more absurd the better.

Updates: Do you have a new product line, a new service or a special promotion coming up? Tease the release with a quick video on TikTok.

Quick How-Tos and Fun Facts: Do you get the same two or three questions over and over again? Create a TikTok video for each of those questions and put a funny spin on it.

Be Relevant: If none of the above appeals to you, simply use TikTok to join the conversation. Have team members jump in on a trending challenge or dance move and watch your brand to gain new engagement.

Don’t be a late arrival to TikTok, dismissing it as a platform for teenagers. There is a lot of potential for B2B marketing in TikTok videos and you don’t want to miss it! Contact us at SJC Marketing to get started.



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