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What Can You Do to Boost Your Organic Facebook Marketing Reach?

A tired Facebook marketing strategy can gain new life through Facebook groups.

Facebook marketing remains a powerful way to connect with your audience, but as more brands invest in this digital format, the impact of organic reach can get a bit diluted. The content you share on your company Facebook page has an average organic reach of only 5.17%.

You may feel some alarm, wondering if you’re about to pour all of your budget into Facebook ads, but there may be a technique you haven’t yet tried that offers some distinct advantages to continue to also utilize organic reach as part of your strategy.

Facebook groups are a great way to build a community and get great feedback from a core segment of your audience. Here are a few of the ways you can use Facebook groups to boost your overall Facebook marketing strategy:

Test Products and Services: Maybe you’re getting ready to launch a new product line or add some premium services to your standard offering. A Facebook group allows you to gain the insight of people already familiar and engaged with your brand.

When it’s time to roll out your new product or service, you can also ask this group to share your announcement on their own pages, creating a buzz around your brand. You can also ask group members to provide a testimonial that will give your new products an authentic introduction.

Get Feedback: This is not the place to use a standard corporate response to praise or criticism. Engage sincerely with your audience, because these are the people who care enough about your brand to join a group.

In addition to responding, you should also take a proactive approach, setting a tone in the group for sharing tips and even frustrations. As you encourage this kind of open and honest discourse, you may start seeing other members beginning conversations about how to work around a tricky feature or what they wish the product had – posts that are incredibly helpful for your company as you work to improve your product or service.

Gather User-Generated Content: User-generated content is a powerful part of any Facebook marketing strategy, but it’s particularly successful when invited from a group of loyal customers. They may join a photo contest or participate in a poll with a much higher percentage participation than you might get with a regular post on your company page.

Facebook groups may be the last free frontier on the platform, and SJC Marketing is here to guide you.

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