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Email Marketing

Let’s Get Stalking

You know you like them — the emails you get from Starbucks or Old Navy with a coupon you can use. Sure, you signed up for them because these are brands you love. You’re willing to see their names in your inbox because you know it will hold something of value. Plus, a lot of them are using the cool little emojis and icons that make you look twice at your inbox on your smartphone. It’s an awesome tactic, but does it make you buy?

That’s just one of the questions that needs to be asked when building out a campaign following best email marketing practices. Will it spur your audience to action? If not, you don’t need to keep reading on this page. But if your audience can gain value from something you can deliver right in their inbox, it’s worth digging into a little deeper. Not sure? That’s OK — we have a team that can help you with that. And don’t worry, we’re not going to try and talk you into it if it won’t make sense for your business. After all, if it doesn’t work, we’re the ones that look bad.

The fun thing is that we can see a lot more than whether or not someone opened your email. We can see if they spent time on your website, downloaded that latest case study or “how to” sheet, or if they simply spent a lot of time on your team page (this is a great way to identify poachers trying to take your best people!). The value here is not so much in the stalking of the individuals who read your emails and visit your website; the value is in connecting with the individuals that you want to talk to via a channel they want to use to receive value-added information.

Want to know how you can start stalking people on your own site? Give the best marketing firm for email marketing a shout and we’ll talk about whether or not email marketing makes sense for your goals. Digital marketing in the Kansas City area (and all other areas, too) begins with a call to SJC. 

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