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Reaching Out to Millions of Listeners With These Podcast Tips

The value of adding podcasts as a part of your comprehensive marketing plan.

Adding Podcasts to Your Marketing Plan in 2019

If you are looking for new ways to more effectively deliver content, podcasts are exceedingly effective at doing just that. According to information from Edison Research, 12 million people tuned in to their first podcast last year, which means there are almost 124 million people relying on podcasts for information, whether it’s for entertainment purposes or educational.

Armed with this information, you can see why focusing a portion of your marketing plan on podcasts makes sense.

Promote Your Podcast

Use your social media accounts to boost the number of listeners you have by promoting your podcasts there.

Find new ways to increase your numbers by getting creative. If your social media following isn’t too expansive, try sponsoring a contest and entice more eyes to what you’re doing.

Instagram Stories is also a great tool in social media that you can use to promote your podcast.

Upload Wisely

While your website should offer users access to your podcasts, the majority of people (70%) searching for them are going to iTunes, which means you need to be where your audience is.

It’s easy to get started, just click on this link and follow the directions for creating a podcast. Podcasts must go through a moderation process, so if you’re new to it, don’t be surprised if yours doesn’t go live for 10 days, though most are up within hours.

Bring on Interesting Guests

If you’re a small business and don’t have the pull that the big corporations do, you probably can’t get a famous individual to appear on your podcast. However, you can find thought leaders within your industry who are happy to jump on and discuss important issues.

By bringing them on board, even if it’s just for one podcast, you’re effectively leveraging their audience. And in doing so, you’ll be able to get other thought leaders to do the same, which will help expand your audience.

Get Flashy

Use animated banners in your promotional efforts to make your podcast stick out. Spend time on your logo and images associated with your podcast, but remember that the maximum size of the image is 3,000 by 3,000 pixels (72 dpi).

Another flashy visual you’ve probably seen includes organizations that have created a video based on their podcasts’ audio waves. You can create your own with free editing software and use it on your social media channels.

If you want more podcast tips, contact us at SJC Marketing. We have years of experience assisting clients in boosting their brands with thoughtful, useful, educational and valuable podcast strategies.

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