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Monday Morning Coffee With Mostly Just Sugar and Milk

SJC Marketing shares one of their favorite places to grab a delicious drink on date night.

If you have kids, you know they can come with a lot of expenses, an ear for four-letter words they can bust out in front of your mother-in-law and a sticky film that seems to cover everything they touch. Ah, the joy! The blessing! The grime!

Kids are a blast, even if a bit … well, trying at times. But they sometimes seem to be wise far beyond their ears, and for this edition of Monday Morning Coffee, let’s see what can be learned about marketing from the crayon and sippy cup set.

Connect Emotionally: If you’ve ever watched a four-year-old melt down because they couldn’t believe you put their Superman cape in the wash on the day you’re headed to meet friends in the park, this concept will be easy. Sometimes, customers want a certain product or service because of the way your brand makes them feel. Maybe they associate your brand with luxury, security or, like the four-year-old, with being Superman. Whatever emotional connection you think your brand delivers, go for it.

Funny Means Money: Kids love to laugh, and sometimes all it takes is a little bathroom humor. You’ve probably advanced beyond potty jokes, but depending on your audience, who knows–they may still work for you. The biggest mistake is assuming that because you’re a B2B marketer, you can’t be funny. Well, guess what? Adults love to laugh just as much as kids, and it’s one of the most effective ways to shine a positive light on your brand.

Don’t Lose ‘Em: Kids have a reputation for their ridiculously short attention spans, but it’s really not a fair label anymore. Nobody has any ability to push past a moment of boredom and stick with an activity. So, you should get to the point of your content, and fast.

Your content should be easily digestible, quick to skim and organized for quick consumption. Short paragraphs in a short piece of content, with bullet points and easy-to-read font will deliver information in a way that is interesting and exciting.

Prioritize Packaging: Shopping for cereal as a kid involves grabbing the box with bright colors, a sprinkling of glitter and the promise of a toy inside. No kid stops to check the fiber content. But don’t think that adults necessarily do, either. Yes, your product is amazing. But don’t make your customers wait to get inside your packaging to find out.

Tell A Story That’s About Them: Kids absolutely love personalized books with their name and picture featured, and they’ll hang on every word if you make up a bedtime tale that is all about them, their pets and their favorite hobbies.

Adults are no different. Stop talking about your brand and, instead, tell your customers about themselves. Tell them you hear them and that you’ve got a way to solve some of their most challenging problems.

It’s a good thing we can relate with kids here at SJC Marketing. We may have moved on from crayons and sippy cups, but we can’t guarantee we won’t laugh at a little bathroom humor. Contact us to learn more about how to make your brand shine.

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