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Monday Morning Coffee With Liz Made Jewelry

Join SJC Marketing each Monday for Monday Morning Coffee, a blog featuring local businesses.

Change can be uncomfortable, but at times it is necessary. An entrepreneur has a choice to make when their livelihood is jeopardized because of changes beyond their control. A strong entrepreneur can take lemons and make them into … jewelry.

One of those strong, fearless entrepreneurs is Liz Thomas, creator and founder of Liz Made Jewelry. Liz has a long-standing career as a successful wedding photographer. Due to restrictions caused by COVID-19, many weddings were postponed and businesses in the wedding industry were put on hold as social gatherings were limited. When her livelihood had been affected, Liz didn’t see a door shut in front of her, instead she saw a window to another passion.

Liz quickly saved up to purchase polymer clay, resin and metal to design fashionable earrings. Her designs are unique and innovative and fashion forward. She has used her creativity and even some beautiful items from her own garden to imbed into the resin of these beautiful designs.

While in quarantine, she used her artistry in a unique way to connect to new clients. She came up with a strategy to market her new designs that worked in her new situation. She intentionally shared sneak peeks of new designs on social media to grab the attention of her audience. Her tactics proved successful when her styles sold out very quickly.

SJC Marketing loves to support fearless entrepreneurs who take chances, just like our fearless leader. We know that many had to make big changes during these past several months and some, like Liz, had to try completely new things.  We raise our mugs to all the courageous small business owners! You can find Liz Made Jewelry inside Nesting Goods located at 615 Felix St. or shop online at www.nestinggoods.com. Be sure to snag your favorite quickly. There are limited quantities of each style and they go fast!

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