In honor of May the 4th, a.k.a. Star Wars Day, it’s time to take a few tips from a master. A Jedi Grand Master, that is. We want to share some digital marketing insights from none other than the great Yoda. Here are a few of his best quotes to put a new perspective on your strategy:
Always Pass on What You Have Learned. Developing content can be a bit of a dance. You want to provide value, but you may wonder if there’s some risk in sharing your insights. Yoda would say no. It’s beneficial to your customers to gain insights from you, and it will build your reputation as an expert. When it’s time to make a purchase, they will think of you first and invest in your products with the satisfaction of a loyal fan of your brand.
And who knows? Mentoring and sharing knowledge worked out pretty awesome for the pint-sized green sage. Wouldn’t you love to sit down with a good cup of coffee and learn more from him?
If no mistake you have made, yet losing you are… a different game you should play. You’re looking at analytics telling you that your conversion efforts are breaking down at your landing page from social media. Or you are regularly publishing email newsletters, with zero response. You’ve got an impressive number of likes, but not much sharing or commenting on your posts.
You’re doing everything right, so you keep thinking it will show up in the analytics soon. But you’re still not making measurable progress. It’s time to make an adjustment.
Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose. Are you still putting off making videos for your website? Or maybe you have been thinking for at least 18 months that your logo doesn’t fit your brand anymore since you completed your acquisition.
Whether you are camera-shy or afraid that a new logo might make your brand forgettable, there’s plenty of opportunities for fear to get tied up in decisions for your marketing strategy. The brands that persist and grow are those that have someone a little bold at the helm. Next time you’re considering taking a bit of a risk, ask yourself what Yoda would do.
Judge me by my size, do you? When you describe Yoda, (you do get plenty of opportunities to describe Yoda, right?) you probably talk about him being green and small.
Fair or not, Yoda’s wisdom probably takes at least third place, and that’s if you bypass the ears.
What are the qualities that your customers or audiences use to describe you? If your values aren’t coming across clearly to your audiences, you may need to put some new techniques in place to build your brand presence more effectively. Those impressions matter, because even if you have the very best quality of product or your service is unparalleled, your customers might just be talking about your ears.
Bump up your brand presence and awareness with a few techniques:
- Create social media posts designed to show off your brand story
- Encourage online reviews
- Make sure your website is easy to navigate and optimized for mobile
You must unlearn what you have learned. You’ve measured the number of followers you have on Instagram since you started using the platform. You publish a long LinkedIn article every week, no matter what. Your annual live event is an unparalleled tradition that the whole company pitches in to execute.
The trouble with doing things that you’ve always done is that you run the risk of missing the signs that they aren’t working anymore. Digital marketing is in constant change, and the smartest strategies keep shifting and refining techniques to capture the most effective activities.
Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. Just like the most illuminating lightsaber, you’ve got a luminous resource at the ready for giving your digital marketing strategy some new life. It’s your customers.
A customer testimonial is an incredibly powerful way to showcase your brand, but in a way that celebrates your customers. Nobody wants to hear you talk about how great you are, but a satisfied customer’s testimonial not only gives a certain luminosity to your brand, but also gives the report credibility.
Do. Or do not. There is no try. There’s one area of digital marketing that gets a lot of trying, but a casual approach isn’t enough.
Social media requires a focused strategy, but for a lot of companies, it gets relegated to a “if we get a chance” category. Either do it or don’t, but doing it just when you think about it won’t give you the kind of traction you are looking for.
Whether you celebrate Star Wars Day Colo Claw Fish, Roasted Porg and a little Thala-Siren Milk, or with an epic lightsaber fight at the office, the Green Grand Master Jedi’s wisdom is sure to help. Use it to give your digital marketing strategy a solid bump and contact us when you’re ready to get the force working for you.