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Marketing Musings

Your digital marketing content needs to meet your audience on the platforms they spend their time on.
Establishing Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Some marketing fads tend to trend for a while and then die off, while others prove to be of value and become a part of digital marketing best practices. Keeping an eye on what brings value and what doesn’t work anymore is part of planning your strategy for boosting brand awareness. This also involves vetting […]

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Digital marketing may require a Jedi’s touch, and the best Yoda-isms can guide your strategy.
May the 4th Be With You As We Share Some Digital Marketing Wisdom From Yoda

In honor of May the 4th, a.k.a. Star Wars Day, it’s time to take a few tips from a master. A Jedi Grand Master, that is. We want to share some digital marketing insights from none other than the great Yoda. Here are a few of his best quotes to put a new perspective on […]

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Changes to Google's privacy policies will mean changes for your marketing strategy as well. Are you ready?
Prepare Your Digital Marketing Strategy for Google’s New Privacy Policies

Google has announced that in 2022, they will no longer allow third-party cookies. What does that mean for your digital marketing strategy? Cookies, the little bits of tasty information that get stored on your computer every time you visit an ecommerce site, allow you to enjoy a personalized experience when you return to that site. […]

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Your digital marketing campaign may need to make some adjustments for voice search.
3 Big Digital Marketing Trends for 2021

If you haven’t yet managed to muster up the enthusiasm for creating your 2021 digital marketing strategy, you’re not alone. Even those that mastered the agility and flexibility necessary for survival in the past year might be wondering where to go next. Don’t worry, because the trends emerging for 2021 aren’t going to require a […]

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Digital marketing allows you to compete with bigger brands and bigger marketing budgets.
5 Reasons Companies Invest in Digital Marketing

If you’re still advertising in more traditional media, such as radio ads or on billboards or the sides of buses, you may wonder if adding in some digital marketing might make a difference in your ability to capture the market, especially in areas of strong competition like the Kansas City area. While many companies have […]

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When face-to-face interactions are limited, it’s critical to have a strategic, goal-oriented digital marketing plan.
4 Steps Community Banks Take for Successful Digital Marketing

If you are at a community bank, it’s understandable that you haven’t prioritized digital marketing in the past. At a community bank, knowing your customer’s names and faces is a key part of your ability to serve them and understand their needs.  So why make digital marketing a priority? In the age of masks and […]

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Paid marketing is great for your digital strategy, but it’s more effective when paired with organic marketing.
Get the Right Mix of Organic and Paid Marketing in Your Digital Strategy

If your digital strategy isn’t providing the return on investment you had anticipated, or if you’re wondering whether it’s worth it to keep writing a blog every week, it’s a good indication that you need to spend some time on your mix between paid and organic marketing. While both are intended to drive growth for […]

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An economic downturn doesn't mean your marketing has to suffer. Here's the best strategy to take...
How to Build a Healthy Digital Marketing Strategy in Hard Economic Times

The past couple of months have turned many of our normal routines upside down, and, like others, you may have found yourself developing a new “normal”. But all this doesn’t change the fact that you have a business that not only needs attention, but also has to adapt and flex to the changing needs of […]

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With SharpSpring marketing automation certification, SJC Marketing is able to help clients drive more leads.
Is Your Digital Marketing Strategy Missing Its Partner?

There’s no question that digital marketing in Kansas City is on the rise (well of course it’s on the rise everywhere). Social media, email newsletters and interactive websites are just the surface of the strategic tools available to businesses wanting to connect online. You have the ability to engage target audiences in nearly endless ways […]

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Your landing pages may be tanking your digital marketing conversions. Find out how.
5 Steps to Landing Pages That Deliver Digital Marketing Conversions

You’re the star of your social media world: you’re aware of what your audience cares about and you managed to get on the front end of the last few trending topics. Once your social media contacts reach that all important digital marketing gateway, the landing page, are your efforts successful or are they falling flat? […]

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