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Let’s Hear It for Our Word of the Week: B2B

Your B2B strategy should include content that moves your targets to the next step in the buy cycle.

Your content marketing strategy for a business-to-business (B2B) company will look quite a bit different than a business-to-customer (B2C) marketing plan. From the tone of your content to your distribution plan, you’ll create a B2B strategy that demonstrates the depth of your industry knowledge and solves real problems in the workplace. To create a solid B2B content marketing strategy, include these key factors:

Detailed buyer personas: Utilize Google Analytics and social media analytics to gain a clear understanding of your B2B buyers so that you can create a few buyer personas. Once you’ve captured the job role, age, gender and interests of your target audience, you can develop personas that embody these demographics.

Goals for content: You should know the “why” behind every piece of content you produce. You’re asking B2B contacts to sacrifice a few minutes of their workday, so it’s important to deliver content that adds value. What are you hoping they will do after they read your blog? Whether it’s subscribe to your e-newsletter, make a purchase or access a free e-book, it’s important that you produce content with this goal in mind. Include a call to action so that your contact knows what you want them to do next.

Personalize contact formats: Your potential buyers will have preferences about how you contact them, so be sure to find out. You might include on your contact form an option for specifying whether text, email or phone calls are preferred. Your contacts prefer to have a meaningful business relationship with your brand, so make it easy for them.

Varied content purpose: You know that you need a goal for each piece of content, you also need content designed for different stages in the buy cycle. For instance, you’ll produce different content for someone who’s just discovered your company through organic search than for a B2B lead that’s visited your website before, follows you on social media and filled out a contact form to receive your emails.

Refine as you go: You’re going to find that, as you produce content and engage with your audiences, that maybe a buyer persona isn’t demonstrating the exact pain points you identified, or that some content formats or distribution strategies work better than others. Keep your B2B marketing plan active and updated as you expand your understanding of the data and how your brand serves customers.

To launch a B2B marketing strategy, contact us at SJC Marketing. From offering guidance on a B2B plan that’s gotten a bit off course to producing a comprehensive plan, we can help you design a campaign for lead generation that leads to measurable growth for your company.

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