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Is Content Marketing Still Important For Your Company?

Content marketing gives your brand a more interesting personality and helps you develop credibility.

You might be wondering whether content marketing is still a thing, and can it really be worth the time and effort? Blogs, videos, posting and on and on…why would you bother?

Here are four reasons why content marketing is not only still a thing, it is the thing:

It Fuels Your SEO: If you have any doubt that search engine optimization (SEO) is critical, check out your smartphone and see how many times you’ve searched in the past week. If you’re like most people, you rarely make it more than a day without searching.

Content marketing that regularly publishes new material that’s relevant and useful will boost your ranking in search engines. Search engine algorithms prefer sites with current content and a variety of formats. So, when someone wonders about your industry, you pop up at the top of the list if you’ve been actively posting content.

It is a Foundation for Engagement: Creating a thriving social media strategy without content marketing is almost impossible. Content gives you something to post, something to start conversations. It helps your followers begin to associate your brand with expertise.

It Makes Your Brand Friendlier: Ads are pushy, salesy and sometimes even obnoxious. It’s all about trying to get the audience to do something: namely, spend money.

Content, on the other hand, is focused on what the audience wants or needs. It’s about solving a problem or offering insight. It invites, rather than pushing.

It Develops Credibility: If you’ve developed a habit of creating content pieces with helpful how-tos, addressing common challenges or discussing topics relevant and interesting to your audience, you will begin to be seen as an industry expert. When a potential customer is trying to choose between you and a brand that is only known for their logo and their ad jingle, they’re more likely to go with the company they feel they know.

Need some help getting started with content marketing? At SJC Marketing, we love creating new ways to help your brand shine. Let’s get together and talk about your company—where you are and where you’d like to head in the future.


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